Sunday, November 14, 2021

Hitler Germany’s Anti-Partisan Warfare during World War II

THE WARSAW UPRISING, AUGUST-OCTOBER 1944 (HU 31070) A German prisoner led away by troops of the Kilinski Battalion (Polish Home Army) after the capture of the PAST building on Zielna Street, 20 August 1944. Copyright: © IWM. Original Source:

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Germany engaged in numerous anti-partisan operations during World War II. The brutality of these anti-partisan activities has been well-documented by historians. British historian David Irving, for example, writes about photos taken in the Balkans by a German soldier:

      A German soldier is found mutilated. The German troops take reprisals, stringing up the menfolk in the village, like washing on a line—one by one, a chair kicked away beneath each victim and then painful death by strangulation. For crimes like these, German generals are executed at Nuremberg.[1]

      This article discusses the nature and extent of Germany’s anti-partisan operations, and why Germany engaged in such vicious activities during the war.

Above: Russian partisans. Partisans were executed not mutilated

The Soviet Union

      On June 6, 1941, before the invasion of the Soviet Union, Hitler gave the Commissar Order to execute the political commissars captured with Soviet units. In the language of Hitler’s Commissar Order, the Soviet commissars were the “originators of the barbaric, Asiatic fighting methods” that the enemy practiced.

 Denied combat status by the terms of this order, the commissars were to either be shot by the troops or turned over to the SS to suffer the same fate. Thus, the commissars were ordered liquidated not because of any crime they had committed, but because of their function in the Soviet system.[2]

      The Germans used special mobile formations called the Einsatzgruppen designed to carry out the Commissar Order and to crush partisan activity in the Soviet Union. The Germans formed four Einsatzgruppen units each having between 500 to 800 men per unit. The Einsatzgruppen generally had a good working relationship with the German army since they freed up army security forces for front-line action. The exact number of people killed by the Einsatzgruppen will never be known, but there is no question the Einsatzgruppen murdered large numbers of Soviet commissars and partisans during the war.[3]

                     Cossacks fighting with the Germans.

      Partisan warfare has traditionally been considered illegal, since it undermines the convention of uniformed armies directing violence against each other rather than against civilian populations. Soviet partisan warfare was extremely brutal and capable of severely disrupting German military planning. 

Because German forces were always limited and always in demand at the front, German military and civilian authorities were all the more fearful of the disruption partisans could bring. Consequently, German army officers were trained to take a severe line against partisan activity in the Soviet Union.[4]

      The combat of Soviet partisans in forests and swamps was regarded by German troops as the most dangerous of all types of warfare—favoring the hunted rather than the hunter. The partisans almost always killed captured German soldiers, frequently after inflicting brutal torture. The German anti-partisan forces operated in an extremely unpleasant environment that made the German units resent the partisans whose activities had caused them to be there. In summer huge swarms of flies and mosquitos made life miserable for German soldiers; in winter frostbite and trench foot were rampant.[5] 

      Letters from German soldiers reveal the danger of partisan warfare. A letter from German Cpl. Hans Brüning illustrates how the wooded areas of the Soviet Union were especially effective locations for partisan warfare:

      [The forests are teeming with danger.] Any snipers who fall into our hands are of course shot; their bodies lie everywhere. Sadly, though, many of our own comrades have been lost to their dirty methods. We’re losing more men to the bandits than in the fighting itself.

      Hardly any sleep to be had. We’re awake and alert almost every night; you have to be in case they attack suddenly. If the sentry drops his guard just once it could be over for all of us. Traveling alone is out of the question.[6]

      German Cpl. Erich Stahl wrote:

“These are dangerous swine, and no soldier is safe from them. The danger is there wherever you go and wherever you stay…and you only breathe out when you’ve come back from your post unhurt…If the moon’s not out, you stay awake at your post like an ox.”[7]

      German Pvt. Hans Schröder described how Soviet partisan activity killed two Germans on June 19, 1942:

“Two of our comrades in first company tragically lost their lives…Though we kept watch, a partisan still was able to creep up to one of our houses. A grenade chucked in through the window, and it was done…We took revenge straight away, and rightly. I used to think one should act humanely, but this sub-humanity just isn’t worth it.”[8] 

      The German High Command recognized both the importance and difficulty of combating partisans as the war progressed. Anti-partisan activity was originally handled by the army, but in October 1942 responsibility for anti-partisan activity was transferred to the SS. In January 1943 Hitler declared that the Geneva Convention and the traditional rules of chivalry did not apply in anti-partisan activity. Hitler also decreed German soldiers could not be brought to trial for atrocities committed during anti-partisan operations. The result was extraordinarily vicious fighting in which no quarter was given and none was expected in return.[9]

      Probably the most ruthless anti-partisan German unit was Sonderkommando Dirlewanger, which was named for and led by Oskar Dirlewanger. During anti-partisan operations, Dirlewanger frequently rounded up women and children left behind in partisan villages and marched them through minefields protecting guerrilla positions. This technique killed and maimed many innocent people. In another tactic, Dirlewanger would fly a light observation aircraft over suspected Russian villages. If he received gunfire, he would later return in a ground action, set fire to the entire hamlet, and kill all the inhabitants. Prisoners were not taken in these punitive operations. Dirlewanger would also sometimes publicly hang captured Soviet partisans to discourage partisan activity.[10]

      The Cossacks, a perennial enemy of the Bolsheviks, provided tens of thousands of their soldiers to the German army during World War II. The Cossacks also aided the Germans in hunting down Soviet partisans in the rear areas of their operations. Soviet partisans were ruthlessly killed in these anti-partisan activities.[11]

      Other German anti-partisan warfare in the Soviet Union was also extremely harsh and brutal. One of the hardest hit areas was Belorussia, which struck an American journalist as “the most devastated country in Europe.” In Belorussia, German figures indicate that the average ratio of Belorussians to Germans killed was 73 to 1. This statistic gives some indication of the scale of violence that the civilian population suffered. A total of 345,000 civilians in Belorussia are estimated to have died as a result of German anti-partisan operations, together with perhaps 30,000 partisans.[12]          

      By late 1942 the Soviet partisan movement was growing increasingly active, dangerous and widespread. Virtually no civilian regardless of age or sex was beyond suspicion. Simultaneously, Germany’s need for foodstuffs and labor from occupied Soviet territories was increasingly desperate. Since the partisans themselves controlled ever-larger amounts of arable land, German anti-partisan activity often involved depriving the partisans of food and shelter. The German army used the captured partisan food and livestock for its benefit, while Soviet citizens were increasingly required to perform forced labor. The result was the uprooting and evacuation of many Soviet citizens.[13]

      The increasing likelihood of ultimate German defeat in 1943 caused Soviet partisan activity to mushroom. As Soviet partisan activity increased, the German anti-partisan warfare became even harsher and more desperate. Partisans and the local populations that supported them had to be hit hard and fast. The result in many cases was the wholesale destruction of villages, murder, and the effective enslavement of much of the civilian population.[14]

      Regardless of how destructive German sweeps were in a given area, Soviet partisan forces almost always reemerged. Most Soviet partisan units survived the attacks in some form, and the Germans could never keep sufficient troops in place to secure an area for any length of time. Often the methods employed to reduce Soviet partisan activity had the opposite effect because surviving peasants joined the partisans to avenge their family and friends. Also, some Soviet citizens felt they had no alternative except to join the partisans if they themselves wanted to stay alive.[15]                       

      Soviet partisan warfare against Germany became increasingly barbaric and murderous. In February 1943, 596 German prisoners were killed and many of them mutilated by Soviet partisans at Grischino. A German judge who interrogated witnesses and survivors of this atrocity remembers:

“You have no idea how much trouble the commanders and company chiefs had…to restrain the German soldiers from killing every Russian prisoner of war of the Popov Army. The troop was very bitter and angry. You cannot imagine the vehemence of the soldiers after they had seen what had happened.”[16]

      German anti-partisan activity resulted in a horrific loss of civilian and partisan lives as well as the destruction of many Russian villages. However, the Soviet partisans’ sabotage operations effectively tied up increasing numbers of German troops and prevented the Germans from ever feeling secure on Russian soil. By the time the bulk of Russian territory had been liberated in early 1944, a large and effective Soviet guerrilla movement had emerged. Stalin’s support had allowed the Soviet partisans to survive the German anti-partisan reprisals and grow into an effective fighting force that helped the Soviet Union win the war.[17]


      On May 27, 1942, two Czech partisans ambushed German SS-Gen. Reinhard Heydrich’s vehicle as he was traveling from Prague to Berlin. While Heydrich lay critically wounded in a hospital, National Socialist leaders became enraged and ethnic Germans had to be restrained from attacking Czech citizens and establishments. Heydrich’s death on June 4, 1942, ensured that reprisals would be forthcoming.[18]

      Immediately after Heydrich’s funeral on June 9, 1942, Hitler ordered the complete annihilation of the Bohemian village of Lidice. Lidice was targeted partly because Heydrich’s assassins had allegedly received support from the village’s inhabitants. Within hours German police units surrounded the village, and the male inhabitants were herded on to a farm and successively shot in groups of 10. A total of 172 men were murdered in Lidice on June 9, 1942, and all of the buildings were burned to the ground. The women of Lidice were deported to the Ravensbrück concentration camp while their children underwent racial screening to see if they were Germanizable. An additional 27 men from Lidice were later murdered, making a total of 199 men executed from Lidice.[19]       

      The Lidice killings made the front page of newspapers around the world. Shortly after the destruction of the village, several communities in the United States, Mexico, Peru and Brazil renamed their towns and villages “Lidice” in honor of the murdered villagers. Books and movies were made to remember the dead at Lidice, and U.S. war posters called on Americans to “Remember Pearl Harbor and Lidice.” Of all the sites of German reprisals, Lidice became a household word and possessed the greatest propagandistic value to the Allies.[20]       

      Heydrich’s two assassins were eventually surrounded and killed on June 18, 1942. With the help of local informants, Gestapo agents eventually rounded up most of the remaining Communist and Czech resistance members. 

      All 33 of the adults in the village of Ležáky were also murdered when Gestapo agents found in Ležáky the transmitter of the underground radio team that had been parachuted into the Protectorate alongside Heydrich’s two assassins. The children in Ležáky were handed over to German authorities, and the village’s buildings reduced to rubble. In addition to those killed in Lidice and Ležáky, 3,188 Czechs were arrested and 1,327 were sentenced to death during the reprisals that summer. Close to 4,000 people with relatives among the exiles were rounded up and placed in concentration camps or ordinary prisons.[21] 

      The plot to assassinate Heydrich was launched by Allied intelligence agencies in London. Heydrich’s assassination was not a spontaneous act of resistance as claimed by Allied propaganda. In fact, leaders of the domestic Czech resistance had warned Edvard Beneŝ that killing Heydrich would be a catastrophe. The Czech resistance leaders stated:

      The assassination would not be of least value to the Allies, and for our nation it would have unforeseeable consequences. It would threaten not only hostages and political prisoners, but also thousands of other lives. The nation would be the subject of unheard-of reprisals. At the same time, it would wipe out the last remainders of any resistance organization. It would then be impossible for resistance to be useful to the Allies. Therefore, we beg you to give the order through Silver A [parachute team] for the assassination not to take place. Danger in delay; give the order at once.[22]

      The Czech resistance leaders were prophetic in their warning. Beneŝ and the Allies had hoped that the anticipated brutal German reprisals would lead to a more general uprising of the Czech population against German rule in Czechoslovakia. However, the wave of terror that followed Heydrich’s assassination served as a powerful deterrent to resistance activity. The Czech partisan underground was almost completely wiped out in the weeks after Heydrich’s death, and was never to recover for the rest of the war.

      Contrary to plans, the War Office in London noted a “dying enthusiasm” for further resistance within the Czech population. The Czech armaments industry remained one of the strongest and most reliable pillars of the German war effort. The brutal German reprisals had effectively ended Czech partisan activity until Germany’s unconditional surrender at the end of the war.[23]   


      Both Germany and the Soviet Union were guilty of major atrocities against Polish citizens during and after their conquest of Poland. However, in the case of Germany, many of their atrocities were reprisals for crimes committed by the Polish government against ethnic Germans in Poland. Poland’s reign of terror had forced Germany to invade Poland to end atrocities against Poland’s ethnic Germans.[24] 

Genocide of ethnic Germans in Poland: “It was shown that the murders were committed with the greatest brutality and that in many cases they were purely sadistic acts—that gouging of eyes was established and that other forms of mutilation, as supported by the depositions of witnesses, may be considered as true.The method by which the individual murders were committed in many cases reveals studied physical and mental torture; in this connection several cases of killing extended over many hours and of slow death due to neglect had to be mentioned.”

      The Germans shot civilian hostages in Bydgoszcz, burned synagogues, and conducted operations similar to Lidice in numerous Polish villages and towns. German reprisals often included public executions and hangings of Polish citizens to discourage partisan activities. Germany also commenced resettlement schemes beginning in West Prussia, where 750,000 Polish citizens were expelled to make way for Germans transferred from the Baltic States. In 1942-1943, Germany cleared over 300 villages in central Poland as part of an additional resettlement scheme.[25]

      Germany also used brutal measures to quash two uprisings in Poland during the war. The first uprising, today commonly called the Ghetto Uprising, occurred in the Warsaw Ghetto in April 1943. The Ghetto Uprising had no realistic chance of success, and some 40,000 civilians were either killed on the spot or deported to German concentration camps.[26]    

      The second uprising began in Warsaw on August 1, 1944, and was a much larger and bloodier insurrection. Commonly referred to as the Warsaw Rising, it was the biggest military action undertaken by any of the wartime resistance movements. Receiving reports that Soviet tanks were visible on the horizon and believing that liberation was imminent, Polish insurgent leader Gen. Bór-Komorowski used his 35,000-man Home Army to fight the Germans in Warsaw. The Home Army had expected to receive assistance from both the Red Army and the Western Allies; instead, it received almost no aid from either.[27]

      German SS units were assigned to end the uprising. The German plan was to recapture Warsaw district by district, killing or at least driving out Polish citizens from every block and every house. In this manner the insurgents would be compressed into an ever constricting perimeter, with no insurgents to the German rear once they took a district. The Luftwaffe also played a role in the fighting, with attacks by Stukas causing major damage.

      Since the Red Army stayed on the sidelines and offered no help to the Home Army, by September 26, 1944, it was obvious to everyone that the Warsaw Rising had failed. Polish representatives signed a capitulation agreement on October 2, 1944.[28] Some believe that Stalin refused to help the Polish Home Army because it was as adamantly anti-Communist as it was antifascist. It was advantageous for the Soviets to let the German and Polish forces kill each other off and then have the Red Army move in.[29]

      It is difficult to assess overall casualties for the Warsaw Rising. Probably 9,700 men of the Home Army were killed in action with an additional 6,000 missing and presumed dead. The largest number of casualties was among the Polish civilians, with over 150,000 civilians estimated to have been killed during the fighting. German losses were also high. An estimated 10,000 German troops were killed and 7,000 missing and presumed dead.[30]      

      The German SS units had inspired fear and terror in the Polish population as a result of the slaughter of large numbers of civilians during the Warsaw Rising. The SS Dirlewanger unit appears to have been the worst culprit in the murder of innocent civilians. Even SS-Gen. Hermann Fegelein, speaking to Hitler about the Dirlewanger Regiment during the Warsaw Rising, said: “My Führer, they are real low-lifes.”[31]

      SS-Panzergrenadier Hans Schmidt expressed his view of Germany’s actions during the Warsaw Rising:

      For the Poles to start the August 1944 uprising in their capital city at the very moment when the German soldiers of the Eastern front were in a desperate defensive battle with the Red Army proved a great miscalculation. It bears remembering that the numerous marshaling yards around Warsaw were the major railroad connections between the Reich and the Eastern front, and these connections had to be held at all costs. Consequently, the German reprisals against both the partisans as well as against the general population supporting the underground fighters were both swift and brutal. The inner city of Warsaw was largely destroyed during the ferocious battles that lasted for two months. To make a special issue, as the Poles seem to do even to this day, of the fact that the Germans leveled the inner city of Warsaw during the uprising is ludicrous. By that time most German inner cities had been destroyed, and the Allies had even attacked targets in Rome and Paris, something the German High Command had always avoided. Considering everything, there was no reason for the German High Command to go easy on the residents of the Polish capital.[32]  

Other European Countries

      Numerous other anti-partisan activities were conducted by Germany during the war. Italian partisan activity assumed impressive proportions in the northern part of Italy after Mussolini’s collapse in 1943. However, the Italian partisan activity developed at a time and place where the Germans were well positioned to contest its growth. In March 1944, for example, a partisan attack on a German column marching through Rome caused many German casualties. The Germans shot 335 hostages in a nearby abandoned quarry—the so-called Fosse Ardeatine—in a massacre that still provokes heated debates today.[33]

      German anti-partisan reprisals continued in Italy through the summer of 1944. Between September 29 and October 5, 1944, the SS panzer division “Reichsführer-SS” perpetrated a massacre at the Italian village of Marzabotto. The reprisal at Marzabotto was several times the size of the one at Lidice, and was one of the worst German atrocities committed in Western Europe during the war. The Germans continued anti-partisan attacks in the winter months from 1944-1945 by employing three whole divisions to harry the Italian partisans and demolish their infrastructure. An estimated 40,000 partisans were killed in these anti-partisan operations.[34]

      French resistance activity began to increase toward the end of the war. Since Allied leaders planned to invade Europe on the coast of France, French partisans received substantial weaponry and supplies to aid the Allied invasion. By June 6, 1944, French partisans had received enough arms through airdrops to fully equip 20,000 resisters, and partially equip another 50,000. Large stocks of guns, ammunition and explosives were in the hands of the partisans for a do-or-die effort to assist the Allied invasion.

      An alleged German anti-partisan activity at Oradour-sur-Glane in France killed 642 villagers on June 10, 1944. The SS Panzer Division “Das Reich” was held fully responsible for this atrocity.[35] However, French revisionist Vincent Reynouard’s examination of the physical evidence at Oradour-sur-Glane throws into question the official narrative. Reynouard discovered that the corpses of the men were completely charred, and looked like typical victims of a fire. The corpses of the women and children, however, had been torn to pieces, and looked like victims of an explosion. The remnants of the church also clearly show that it was destroyed by one or more explosions.[36]

      Reynouard’s research documents that Oradour-sur-Glane was a center of French resistance. The SS had locked the men of this village in barns so that they could be easily guarded, while the women were taken to the church for security reasons. A large explosion occurred in the church which killed the women and children therein. Reynouard shows that the SS did not cause this explosion. The SS guards, thinking they were under attack, then opened fire on the men and later set fire to the barns.[37]

      Since the archives in Bordeaux remain closed to researchers until the year 2053, complete information about what happened at Oradour-sur-Glane remains hidden.[38] It is likely, however, that the French have something to hide regarding this incident. SS-Panzergrenadier Hans Schmidt wrote:

“To this day all German efforts to have access to these Bordeaux files have failed, and we can be certain that the French refusal to open the documents is not based upon the desire to spare the Germans from embarrassment.”[39]    

      German reprisals against anti-partisan activity were brutal in Greece. Since the Germans in Greece did not have occupying forces large enough to take full control of all areas, terror against the civilian population was deemed necessary to discourage Greek partisan activities. In December 1943, German troops rounded up all of the men found in the mountain town of Kalavryta and shot them. This massacre of at least 500 men was a reprisal for the kidnapping and murder of German soldiers by Greek partisans. Waffen-SS soldiers did not even spare women and children in later anti-partisan reprisals the following spring in central Greece.[40]

      Other regions in the Balkans also experienced severe German anti-partisan reprisals. For example, a partisan attack on a German unit in Serbia prompted the Germans on October 20-21, 1941, to round up nearly 10,000 men in the town of Kragujevac and shoot 2,300 of them in batches. Another 1,736 men were executed in the town of Kraljevo. The shock of these German atrocities caused many Serbs to cease partisan operations to avoid inflicting further reprisals on the civilian population.[41]

      German anti-partisan reprisals were effective in reducing partisan activity in most places in Western Europe during the war. German reprisals against partisan activity frequently prevented opposition from surfacing over much of occupied Europe, and broke up opposition when it became visible. There were few places in Western Europe where the Germans were overwhelmed by partisan activities for very long. Only in the Soviet Union did German anti-partisan reprisals fail.[42]


      While German anti-partisan units committed numerous atrocities during the war, it should be noted that the partisan activities against Germany were also illegal, brutal and barbaric. Gen. Alfred Jodl summarized the German position regarding anti-partisan warfare in his closing address at the Nuremberg trial:

      In a war like this, in which hundreds of thousands of women and children were killed by saturation bombing and in which partisans used every—and I mean every—means to their desired end, tough methods, however questionable under international law, do not amount to crimes of morality or conscience.[43]             


[1] Irving, David, Nuremberg: The Last Battle, London: Focal Point Publications, 1996, pp. 182-183.

[2] Shepherd, Ben, War in the Wild East: The German Army and Soviet Partisans, Cambridge, Mass. and London: Harvard University Press, 2004, p. 53.

[3] MacLean, French L., The Cruel Hunters: SS-Sonderkommando Dirlewanger Hitler’s Most Notorious Anti-Partisan Unit, Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer Military History, 1998, pp. 85-87, 91.

[4] Snyder, Timothy, Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin, New York: Basic Books, 2010, pp. 233-234.

[5] MacLean, French L., The Cruel Hunters: SS-Sonderkommando Dirlewanger Hitler’s Most Notorious Anti-Partisan Unit, Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer Military History, 1998, pp. 69-70.

[6] Shepherd, Ben, War in the Wild East: The German Army and Soviet Partisans, Cambridge, Mass. and London: Harvard University Press, 2004, pp. 77-78.

[7] Ibid., pp. 188-189.

[8] Ibid., p. 189.

[9] MacLean, French L., The Cruel Hunters: SS-Sonderkommando Dirlewanger Hitler’s Most Notorious Anti-Partisan Unit, Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer Military History, 1998, pp. 110, 153.

[10] Ibid., pp. 12, 73.

[11] Hitchcock, William I., The Bitter Road to Freedom: A New History of the Liberation of Europe, New York: Free Press, 2008, p. 260.

[12] Mazower, Mark, Hitler’s Empire: How the Nazis Ruled Europe, New York: The Penguin Press, 2008, p. 487.

[13] Shepherd, Ben, War in the Wild East: The German Army and Soviet Partisans, Cambridge, Mass. and London: Harvard University Press, 2004, pp. 126-128.

[14] Ibid., pp. 168, 174, 185-186.

[15] Slepyan, Kenneth, Stalin’s Guerrillas: Soviet Partisans in World War II, Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 2006, p. 65.

[16] De Zayas, Alfred M., The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau, 1939-1945, Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1989, p. 106.

[17] Mazower, Mark, Hitler’s Empire: How the Nazis Ruled Europe, New York: The Penguin Press, 2008, pp. 490-491.

[18] Gerwarth, Robert, Hitler’s Hangman: The Life of Heydrich, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2011, pp. 10-13.

[19] Ibid., pp. 280-281.

[20] Ibid., p. 282.

[21] Ibid., pp. 284-285.

[22] Burleigh, Michael, Moral Combat: Good and Evil in World War II, New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2011, pp. 305-306.

[23] Gerwarth, Robert, Hitler’s Hangman: The Life of Heydrich, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2011, pp. 4-5, 285.

[24] Wear, John, “Why Germany Invaded Poland,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2019.

[25] Davies, Norman, Heart of Europe: The Past in Poland’s Present, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. 57, 61-62.

[26] Davies, Norman, No Simple Victory: World War II in Europe, 1939-1945, New York: Viking Penguin, 2006, pp. 314-315.

[27] Ibid., p. 119. See also MacLean, French L., The Cruel Hunters: SS-Sonderkommando Dirlewanger Hitler’s Most Notorious Anti-Partisan Unit, Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer Military History, 1998, p. 175.

[28] MacLean, French L., The Cruel Hunters: SS-Sonderkommando Dirlewanger Hitler’s Most Notorious Anti-Partisan Unit, Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer Military History, 1998, pp. 176, 181, 196.

[29] Lande, D. A., Resistance!: Occupied Europe and Its Defiance of Hitler, Osceola, Wis.: MBI Publishing Company, 2000, p. 50.

[30] MacLean, French L., The Cruel Hunters: SS-Sonderkommando Dirlewanger Hitler’s Most Notorious Anti-Partisan Unit, Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer Military History, 1998, p. 196.

[31] Ibid., pp. 175, 196.

[32] Schmidt, Hans, SS Panzergrenadier: A true story of World War II, Pensacola, Fla.: Hans Schmidt Publications, 2001, p. 76. 

[33] Mazower, Mark, Hitler’s Empire: How the Nazis Ruled Europe, New York: The Penguin Press, 2008, p. 500.

[34] Davies, Norman, No Simple Victory: World War II in Europe, 1939-1945, New York: Viking Penguin, 2006, p. 318.

[35] Ibid., p. 315.

[36] See also Reynouard, Vincent, French Gestapo Trials and Other Articles, Upper Marlboro, Md.: The Barnes Review, 2018, pp. 173-212.

[37] Ibid.

[38] Reynouard, Vincent, French Gestapo Trials and Other Articles, Upper Marlboro, Md.: The Barnes Review, 2018, pp. 211-212.

[39] Schmidt, Hans, SS Panzergrenadier: A true story of World War II, Pensacola, Fla.: Hans Schmidt Publications, 2001, p. 376.

[40] Mazower, Mark, Hitler’s Empire: How the Nazis Ruled Europe, New York: The Penguin Press, 2008, p. 497.

[41] Ibid., pp. 483-484.

[42] Ibid., pp. 485, 516.

[43] Irving, David, Nuremberg: The Last Battle, London: Focal Point Publications, 1996, p. 254.

Saturday, November 13, 2021




Rightly or wrongly, the Germany of Adolf Hitler considered the Jews to be a disloyal and avaricious element within the national community, as well as a force of decadence in Germany's cultural life. This was held to be particularly unhealthy since, during the Weimar period, the Jews had risen to a position of remarkable strength and influence in the nation, particularly in law, finance and the mass media, even though they constituted only 5 per cent of the population. 

The fact that Karl Marx was a Jew and that Jews such as Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht were disproportionately prominent in the leadership of revolutionary movements in Germany, also tended to convince the Nazis of the powerful internationalist and Communist tendencies of the Jewish people themselves.

It is no part of the discussion here to argue whether the German attitude to the Jews was right or not, or to judge whether its legislative measures against them were just or unjust. 

Our concern is simply with the fact that, believing of the Jews as they did, the Nazis' solution to the problem was to deprive them of their influence within the nation by various legislative acts, and most important of all, to encounge their emigration from the country altogether. By 1939, the great majority of German Jews had emigrated, all of them with a sizeable proportion of their assets. Never at any time had the Nazi leadership even contemplated a policy of genocide towards them.


It is very significant, however, that certain Jews were quick to interpret these policies of internal discrimination as equivalent to extermination itself. 

A 1936 anti-German propaganda book by Leon Feuchtwanger and others entitled Der Gelbe Fleck: Die Austrotung von 500,000 deutschen Juden (The Yellow Spot: The Extermination of 500,000 German Jews, Paris, 1936), presents a typical example. Despite its baselessness in fact, the annihilation of the Jews is discussed from the first pages -- straightforward emigration being regarded as the physical "extermination" of German Jewry!

 The Nazi concentration camps for political prisoners are also seen as potential instruments of genocide, and special reference is made to the 100 Jews still detained in Dachau in 1936, of whom 60 had been there since 1933.

 A further example was the sensational book by the German-Jewish Communist, Hans Beimler, called Four Weeks in the Hands of Hitler's Hell-Hounds: The Nazi Murder Camp of Dachau, which was published in New York as eady as 1933. 

Detained for his Marxist affiliations, he claimed that Dachau was a death camp, though by his own admission he was released after only a month there. The present regime in East Germany (the article written before the fall of East-Germany) now issues a Hans Beimler Award for services to Communism.

The fact that anti-Nazi genocide propaganda was being disseminated at this impossibly early date, therefore, by people biased on racial or political grounds, should suggest extreme caution to the independent-minded observer when approaching similar stories of the war period.

The encouragement of Jewish emigration should not be confused with the purpose of concentration camps in pre-war Germany. These were used for the detention of political opponents and subversives - principally liberals, Social Democrats and Communists of all kinds, of whom a proportion were Jews such as Hans Beimler. 

Unlike the millions enslaved in the Soviet Union, the German concentration camp population was always small; Reitinger admits that between 1934 and 1938 it seldom exceeded 20,000 throughout the whole of Germany, and the number of Jews was never more than 3,000. (The SS: Alibi of a Nation, London, 1956, p. 253).


The Nazi view of Jewish emigration was not Iimited to a negative policy of simple expulsion, but was formulated along the lines of modern Zionism. The founder of political Zionism in the 19th century, Theodore Herzl, in his work The Jewish State, had originally conceived of Madagascar as a national homeland for the Jews, and this possibility was seriously studied by the Nazis. It had been a main plank of the National Socialist party platform before 1933 and was published by the party in pamphlet form. This stated that the revival of Israel as a Jewish state was much less acceptable since it would result in perpetual war and disruption in the Arab world, which has indeed been the case

The Germans were not original in proposing Jewish emigration to Madagascar; the Polish Government had already considered the scheme in respect of their own Jewish population, and in 1937 they sent the Michael Lepecki expedition to Madagascar, accompanied by Jewish representatives, to investigate the problems involved.

The first Nazi proposals for a Madagascar solution were made in association with the Schacht Plan of 1938

On the advice of Goering, Hitler agreed to send the President of the Reichsbank, Dr. Hjaimar Schacht, to London for discussions with Jewish representatives Lord Bearsted and Mr. Rublee of New York (cf. Reitlinger, The Final Solution, London, 1953, p. 20). 

The plan was that German Jewish assets would be frozen as security for an international loan to finance Jewish emigration to Palestine, and Schacht reported on these negotiations to Hitler at Berchtesgaden on January 2, 1939. The plan, which failed due to British refusal to accept the financial terms, was first put forward on November 12, 1938 at a conference convened by Goering, who revealed that Hitler was already considering the emigration of Jews to a settlement in Madagascar (ibid., p. 21). 

Later, in December, Ribbentrop was told by M. Georges Bonnet, the French Foreign Secretary, that the French Government itself was planning the evacuation of 10,000 Jews to Madagascar.

Prior to the Schacht Palestine proposals of 1938, which were essentially a protraction of discussions that had begun as early as 1935, numerous attempts had been made to secure Jewish emigration to other European nations, and these efforts culminated in the Evian Conference of July, 1938. 

However, by 1939 the scheme of Jewish emigration to Madagascar had gained the most favour in German circles. It is true that in London Helmuth Wohltat of the German Foreign Office discussed limited Jewish emigration to Rhodesia and British Guiana as late as April 1939; but by January 24th, when Goering wrote to Interior Minister Frick ordering the creation of a Central Emigration Office for Jews, and commissioned Heydrich of the Reich Security Head Office to solve the Jewish problem "by means of emigration and evacuation", the Madagascar Plan was being studied in earnest.

By 1939, the consistent efforts of the German Government to secure the departure of Jews from the Reich had resulted in the emigration of 400,000 German Jews from a total population of about 600,000, and an additional 480,000 emigrants from Austria and Czechoslovakia, which constituted almost their entire Jewish populations. 

This was accomplished through Offices of Jewish Emigration in Berlin, Vienna and Prague established by Adolf Eichmann, the head of the Jewish Investigation Office of the Gestapo. So eager were the Germans to secure this emigration that Eichmann even established a training centre in Austria, where young Jews could learn farming in anticipation of being smuggled illegally to Palestine (Manvell and Frankl, SS and Gestapo, p. 60). 

Had Hitler cherished any intention of exterminating the Jews, it is inconceivable that he would have allowed more than 800,000 to leave Reich territory with the bulk of their wealth, much less considered plans for their mass emigration to Palestine or Madagascar.

What is more, we shall see that the policy of emigration from Europe was still under consideration well into the war period, notably the Madagascar Plan, which Eichmann discussed in 1940 with French Colonial Office experts after the defeat of France had made the surrender of the colony a practical proposition.


1. German policy toward the Jews prior to the war

2. German policy toward the Jews after the outbreak of war

3. Population and Emigration

4. The Six Million: Documentary Evidence

5. The Nuremberg Trials

6. Auschwitz and Polish Jewry

7. Some Concentration Camps Memoires

8. The Nature & Condition of War Time Concentration Camps

9. The Jews and The Concentrations Camps: A Factual Appraisal by the Red Cross

10. The truth at last: The work of Paul Rassinier

Comments about Did Six Million Really Die?


1. German policy toward the Jews prior to the war

2. German policy toward the Jews after the outbreak of war

3. Population and Emigration

4. The Six Million: Documentary Evidence

5. The Nuremberg Trials

6. Auschwitz and Polish Jewry

7. Some Concentration Camps Memoires

8. The Nature & Condition of War Time Concentration Camps

9. The Jews and The Concentrations Camps: A Factual Appraisal by the Red Cross

10. The truth at last: The work of Paul Rassinier

Comments about Did Six Million Really Die?


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

How The Allied Forces Raped and Killed Millions of Germans after WW2


AUSTIN J. APP, Ph. D. writes in 1946  (exerpts):

Once, long ago, a girl told me how a girl friend of hers had been taken in a car by four men, outraged, and left to stagger home. The story so sickened me that I still remember it with wrath and pain. I believe my reaction was typical of Americans of pre-Unconditional Surrender days. Even American gangsters were not so foul as to stand by silent or leering while a woman was outraged. Yet, now, in the last year, our Russian allies have raped hundreds of thousands of girls, and mothers, and even grandmothers in Central Europe, and all our government and our press keep saying is, “Let’s try to understand the Russians.” 

Then suddenly, when Russia reaches out towards Iran oil, they cry “Let’s get tough with Russia.” They let a million Christian women be raped in silence, and then are ready to shoot over some Asiatic oil! What depravity of values! 

I don't want any shooting poses to stop the raping of German, Austrian, and Hungarian women. Christ never shot anybody. These are the sentiments with which I offer this pamphlet to you. Until drafted into the army in 1942, the writer was head of the English department,. University of Scranton. Scranton. Pa.Now associate professor of English at Incarnate Word College, San Antonio, Texas. 

 The foulest atrocity occupation troops can commit Is rape: Sad to say, it is an Allied atrocity, not a German one. Our fellow-re-educators of Germany, our Russian Allies, entered Danzig, March 24, 1945. A 50-year-old Danzig teacher reports that the following day her niece, 15, was raped seven times, her other niece, 22, fifteen times. A Russian officer told the women to seek safety in the Cathedral. After they were securely in, our brothers-in-arms entered and. playing the organ and ringing the bells, kept up a foul orgy through the night, raping all the women, some more than thirty times. Surely, that’s a wonderful time—for the fellows helping us try the Germans at Nuernberg! 

Dr. O., a Catholic pastor of Danzig, declares, “They violated even eight-year-old girls and shot boys who tried to shield their mothers” The Russians Practice Unconditional Surrender Literally. A Russian general said to Lieut. General Ira Eaker, commander of the Mediterranean Allied air forces, “We’ve decided just to kill all the German men. take 17,000,000 German women and that will solve it” (San Antonio Light, June 14, 1945). 

And these beloved fellow-liberators of ours are doing very well indeed! They know why one wants Unconditional Surrender and why Americans cried for a “harsh” peace against the Germans, and they under stand the spirit of the Morganthau Plan: IN VIENNA ALONE THEY RAPED 100,000 WOMEN, NOT ONCE BUT MANY TIMES. INCLUDING GIRLS NOT YET IN THEIR TEENS, AND AGED WOMEN! So reported the Most Rev. Bernard Griffin. British Archbishop (now cardinal) after a more or less official tour to study conditions in Europe (NC Report, Oct. 18, 1945). 

A Lutheran pastor, in a letter of Aug. 7, 1945, to the Bishop of Chichester, England, describes how a fellow pastor’s “two daughters and grandchild (ten years of age) suffer from gonorrhea, result of rape” and how “His mother, eighty-three years of age. died of con¬ sequences of rape,” and how “Mrs. Nurns killed when she resisted an attempt to rape her” while her daugter was “raped and deported, allegedly to Omsk Siberia, for indoctrination” (See Tablet. Oct. 27. 1945). 

Indeed, the re-ehducators of Germany are having a wonderful time! And the Morganthau Planners and the “harsh” peace boys are leering with joy! Neither Old or Young or Nuns are Spared The day after our noble fellow-crusaders conquered Neisse, Silesia, 182 Catholic nuns were raped. “In the Diocese of Kattowitz sixty-six pregnant nuns were counted.” 

In one convent when the Mother Superior and her assistant tried to protect the younger nuns with outstretched arms, they were shot down. The priest who reported this said that he knows “several villages, where all the women even the aged and girls as young as twelve were violated daily for weeks by the Russians" (See Nord-Amerika, Nov. 1. 1945). "We Allies Are no Monsters!" Aren't We? “We Allies are no monsters,” said Churchill to the Germans in January, 1945. “This, at least, I can say on behalf of the United Nations, to Germany . . . Peace, 2 Italics throughout the Pamphlet are my own. though based on unconditional surrender, will bring to Germany and Japan immense and immediate alleviation of suffering and agony” 

 “Oh, yeah!” as a newsboy would say. Since that time the Allies who are no monsters have raped more Christian women than have literally ever before been raped in the history of the world. They have put Germany on a 1300-calory starvation level; they have looted twelve million people of their homes, goods, food and even clothes and driven them from their homelands; they have kept or taken their men into slave labor; they have taken one-fourth of their farm land and their ships and their factories and most of their farm implements and then told them to live by farming; they have abused and starved to death more German babies than there ever were Jews in Germany; and finally they raped and debauched hundreds of thousands of German, Austrian, and Hungarian girls and women from eight to eighty. They brought to their death five times as many Germans in one year of peace as died during five years of war! Yes. yes, of course, “We Allies are no monsters!” Bevin: "It Was the Most Awful Sight" After British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin saw what the Allies were doing to "some 15 million German 'displaced persons’” that had been looted and driven from their homes he cried in Parliament, “I felt, my God, that is the price of man’s stupidity. . . It was the most awful sight” . But he is wrong in calling it “man’s stupidity”—it is the Big Three lust for injustice; it is their lust for a harsh, power-political peace, that’s what it is. It’s a crime, not a stupidity! Time magazine , describing the mass expulsion “of at least nine million Germans from East Prussia, Danzig. Silesia, Pomerania and the Sudetenland” says, “if is a tale of horror, old men starving on the roads, young girls raped in boxcars.” 

And the holy crusaders who are doing this raping have the shamelessness of trying whole classes of Germans as war criminals! 

Sylvester C. Michelfelder. a Lutheran pastor, just returned from Germany describes in The Christian Century how “Bands of irresponsible bandits in Russian or American uniforms pillage and rob the trains. Women and girls are violated in sight of everyone. They are stripped of their clothes” Yes, the holy reeducators of Germany are having a wonderful time! 

The Pope Protests the Violation of German Women So much so that “His Holiness Pope Pius XII in a letter to Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber. . . lamented the base injuries and misadventures which German women and girls have had to suffer1” . 

The Vatican radio (AP, London, April 27, 1946) charged that in the Russian occupation zone of eastern Germany cries for help are going up from “girls and women who are being brutally raped and whose bodly and spiritual health is completely shaken ...” Imagine what the holy crusading American press and radio commentators would have made of this, had the Pope said it of French women during the Ger man occupation! But unfortunately for them, the Pope couldn’t say that because those ‘wicked' Germans committed less rape than even our “dear Boys” So our holy crusading press and radio commentators keep screeching about the concentration camps (where no women were raped) and are silent about the vast and worse concentration camp our Morganthau Plan has made out of all of Germany, Austria, and Hungary.

The Lust, Liquor and Loot of Our Own Armies Though to compare the conduct of our own armies with the bestiality of the Russians would be sacriligious, our armies, too, are reported having a “won derful time,’' debauching conquered women. John Dos Passos quotes “a red-faced major’ as saying, “Lust, liquor and loot are the soldier's pay ” A serviceman writes. “Many a sane American family would recoil in horror if they knew how ’Our Boys’ conduct themselves, with such complete callousness in human relationships over here .

 An army sergeant writes, "our own Army and the British Army along with ours have done their share of looting and raping . . . This offensive attitude among our troops is not at all general, but the per centage is large enough to have given our Army a pretty black name, and we too are considered an army of rapists’’ (Time, Sept. 17, 1945). 

  In Stuttgart, troops under Eisenhower's command, with whom his communications were not severed raped more women in one week in one city than troops under Hitler's command seem to have raped in four years in all of France. 

For such literally seem to be the facts, however discomforting to decent Americans. 

The bewildering fact is emerging that the German troops of occupation, 7,000,000 of whom, according to an AP Nuernberg Dispatch of February 28, 1946 were the most decent large-quantity troops of World War II! 

 That they did far less raping and looting than the Allied trops can no longer be questioned. In their behavior toward the women of conquered territories, the German troops seem actually to have been the most correct and decent in the whole history of warfare. William Shirer, in his Berlin Diary, on June 17. 1940. in the first flush of German occupation, described how many French women had fled Paris for fear of the Germans. It seems” he wrote, "the Parisians actually believed the Germans would rape the women and do worse to the men. .. The ones who stayed are all the more amazed at the very correct behavior of the troops—so far" (p. 412). After four years of German occupation, Frederick C. Crawford, President of Thompson Products, on January 4, 1945, in a “Report from the War Front,” where with others the War Department had taken him on an inspection tour, said, "the Germans tried to be careful in their. dealings with the people . . . We were told that if a citizen attended strictly to business and took no political or underground action against the occupying army, he was treated with correctness" (p.5). 

In short wherever Americans have been able to investigate for themselves, they have found that however ruthless the Germans were with resisters and saboteurs, they were uncommonly Christian and decent towards the women of the conquered. They seem to have committed no more rape in conquered territories than American troops committed right here at home and in fellow-allied countries. 

Sunday, October 31, 2021


This brilliant documentary by Tim Gielen reveals how a small group of super rich criminals have been buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all. From media, health care, travel, food industry, governments... That allows them to control the whole world. Because of this they are trying to impose the New World Order.

Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, ...

Learn more here:

BlackRock was founded by Jews. Banking is about 90% owned by Jews. It's easy to go to Wikipedia about the bank in question go to "History" find founders, open them in Wikipedia go to "Early Life" or "Personal Life" where it is usually stated whether the person is of Jewish descent or not. 

It is most effective to do this search yourself to experience that this is not a coincidence!  Only a small percentage of Jews belong to these Jewish elites and should therefore not be judged as a whole!