Tuesday, November 2, 2021

How The Allied Forces Raped and Killed Millions of Germans after WW2


AUSTIN J. APP, Ph. D. writes in 1946  (exerpts):

Once, long ago, a girl told me how a girl friend of hers had been taken in a car by four men, outraged, and left to stagger home. The story so sickened me that I still remember it with wrath and pain. I believe my reaction was typical of Americans of pre-Unconditional Surrender days. Even American gangsters were not so foul as to stand by silent or leering while a woman was outraged. Yet, now, in the last year, our Russian allies have raped hundreds of thousands of girls, and mothers, and even grandmothers in Central Europe, and all our government and our press keep saying is, “Let’s try to understand the Russians.” 

Then suddenly, when Russia reaches out towards Iran oil, they cry “Let’s get tough with Russia.” They let a million Christian women be raped in silence, and then are ready to shoot over some Asiatic oil! What depravity of values! 

I don't want any shooting poses to stop the raping of German, Austrian, and Hungarian women. Christ never shot anybody. These are the sentiments with which I offer this pamphlet to you. Until drafted into the army in 1942, the writer was head of the English department,. University of Scranton. Scranton. Pa.Now associate professor of English at Incarnate Word College, San Antonio, Texas. 

 The foulest atrocity occupation troops can commit Is rape: Sad to say, it is an Allied atrocity, not a German one. Our fellow-re-educators of Germany, our Russian Allies, entered Danzig, March 24, 1945. A 50-year-old Danzig teacher reports that the following day her niece, 15, was raped seven times, her other niece, 22, fifteen times. A Russian officer told the women to seek safety in the Cathedral. After they were securely in, our brothers-in-arms entered and. playing the organ and ringing the bells, kept up a foul orgy through the night, raping all the women, some more than thirty times. Surely, that’s a wonderful time—for the fellows helping us try the Germans at Nuernberg! 

Dr. O., a Catholic pastor of Danzig, declares, “They violated even eight-year-old girls and shot boys who tried to shield their mothers” The Russians Practice Unconditional Surrender Literally. A Russian general said to Lieut. General Ira Eaker, commander of the Mediterranean Allied air forces, “We’ve decided just to kill all the German men. take 17,000,000 German women and that will solve it” (San Antonio Light, June 14, 1945). 

And these beloved fellow-liberators of ours are doing very well indeed! They know why one wants Unconditional Surrender and why Americans cried for a “harsh” peace against the Germans, and they under stand the spirit of the Morganthau Plan: IN VIENNA ALONE THEY RAPED 100,000 WOMEN, NOT ONCE BUT MANY TIMES. INCLUDING GIRLS NOT YET IN THEIR TEENS, AND AGED WOMEN! So reported the Most Rev. Bernard Griffin. British Archbishop (now cardinal) after a more or less official tour to study conditions in Europe (NC Report, Oct. 18, 1945). 

A Lutheran pastor, in a letter of Aug. 7, 1945, to the Bishop of Chichester, England, describes how a fellow pastor’s “two daughters and grandchild (ten years of age) suffer from gonorrhea, result of rape” and how “His mother, eighty-three years of age. died of con¬ sequences of rape,” and how “Mrs. Nurns killed when she resisted an attempt to rape her” while her daugter was “raped and deported, allegedly to Omsk Siberia, for indoctrination” (See Tablet. Oct. 27. 1945). 

Indeed, the re-ehducators of Germany are having a wonderful time! And the Morganthau Planners and the “harsh” peace boys are leering with joy! Neither Old or Young or Nuns are Spared The day after our noble fellow-crusaders conquered Neisse, Silesia, 182 Catholic nuns were raped. “In the Diocese of Kattowitz sixty-six pregnant nuns were counted.” 

In one convent when the Mother Superior and her assistant tried to protect the younger nuns with outstretched arms, they were shot down. The priest who reported this said that he knows “several villages, where all the women even the aged and girls as young as twelve were violated daily for weeks by the Russians" (See Nord-Amerika, Nov. 1. 1945). "We Allies Are no Monsters!" Aren't We? “We Allies are no monsters,” said Churchill to the Germans in January, 1945. “This, at least, I can say on behalf of the United Nations, to Germany . . . Peace, 2 Italics throughout the Pamphlet are my own. though based on unconditional surrender, will bring to Germany and Japan immense and immediate alleviation of suffering and agony” 

 “Oh, yeah!” as a newsboy would say. Since that time the Allies who are no monsters have raped more Christian women than have literally ever before been raped in the history of the world. They have put Germany on a 1300-calory starvation level; they have looted twelve million people of their homes, goods, food and even clothes and driven them from their homelands; they have kept or taken their men into slave labor; they have taken one-fourth of their farm land and their ships and their factories and most of their farm implements and then told them to live by farming; they have abused and starved to death more German babies than there ever were Jews in Germany; and finally they raped and debauched hundreds of thousands of German, Austrian, and Hungarian girls and women from eight to eighty. They brought to their death five times as many Germans in one year of peace as died during five years of war! Yes. yes, of course, “We Allies are no monsters!” Bevin: "It Was the Most Awful Sight" After British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin saw what the Allies were doing to "some 15 million German 'displaced persons’” that had been looted and driven from their homes he cried in Parliament, “I felt, my God, that is the price of man’s stupidity. . . It was the most awful sight” . But he is wrong in calling it “man’s stupidity”—it is the Big Three lust for injustice; it is their lust for a harsh, power-political peace, that’s what it is. It’s a crime, not a stupidity! Time magazine , describing the mass expulsion “of at least nine million Germans from East Prussia, Danzig. Silesia, Pomerania and the Sudetenland” says, “if is a tale of horror, old men starving on the roads, young girls raped in boxcars.” 

And the holy crusaders who are doing this raping have the shamelessness of trying whole classes of Germans as war criminals! 

Sylvester C. Michelfelder. a Lutheran pastor, just returned from Germany describes in The Christian Century how “Bands of irresponsible bandits in Russian or American uniforms pillage and rob the trains. Women and girls are violated in sight of everyone. They are stripped of their clothes” Yes, the holy reeducators of Germany are having a wonderful time! 

The Pope Protests the Violation of German Women So much so that “His Holiness Pope Pius XII in a letter to Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber. . . lamented the base injuries and misadventures which German women and girls have had to suffer1” . 

The Vatican radio (AP, London, April 27, 1946) charged that in the Russian occupation zone of eastern Germany cries for help are going up from “girls and women who are being brutally raped and whose bodly and spiritual health is completely shaken ...” Imagine what the holy crusading American press and radio commentators would have made of this, had the Pope said it of French women during the Ger man occupation! But unfortunately for them, the Pope couldn’t say that because those ‘wicked' Germans committed less rape than even our “dear Boys” So our holy crusading press and radio commentators keep screeching about the concentration camps (where no women were raped) and are silent about the vast and worse concentration camp our Morganthau Plan has made out of all of Germany, Austria, and Hungary.

The Lust, Liquor and Loot of Our Own Armies Though to compare the conduct of our own armies with the bestiality of the Russians would be sacriligious, our armies, too, are reported having a “won derful time,’' debauching conquered women. John Dos Passos quotes “a red-faced major’ as saying, “Lust, liquor and loot are the soldier's pay ” A serviceman writes. “Many a sane American family would recoil in horror if they knew how ’Our Boys’ conduct themselves, with such complete callousness in human relationships over here .

 An army sergeant writes, "our own Army and the British Army along with ours have done their share of looting and raping . . . This offensive attitude among our troops is not at all general, but the per centage is large enough to have given our Army a pretty black name, and we too are considered an army of rapists’’ (Time, Sept. 17, 1945). 

  In Stuttgart, troops under Eisenhower's command, with whom his communications were not severed raped more women in one week in one city than troops under Hitler's command seem to have raped in four years in all of France. 

For such literally seem to be the facts, however discomforting to decent Americans. 

The bewildering fact is emerging that the German troops of occupation, 7,000,000 of whom, according to an AP Nuernberg Dispatch of February 28, 1946 were the most decent large-quantity troops of World War II! 

 That they did far less raping and looting than the Allied trops can no longer be questioned. In their behavior toward the women of conquered territories, the German troops seem actually to have been the most correct and decent in the whole history of warfare. William Shirer, in his Berlin Diary, on June 17. 1940. in the first flush of German occupation, described how many French women had fled Paris for fear of the Germans. It seems” he wrote, "the Parisians actually believed the Germans would rape the women and do worse to the men. .. The ones who stayed are all the more amazed at the very correct behavior of the troops—so far" (p. 412). After four years of German occupation, Frederick C. Crawford, President of Thompson Products, on January 4, 1945, in a “Report from the War Front,” where with others the War Department had taken him on an inspection tour, said, "the Germans tried to be careful in their. dealings with the people . . . We were told that if a citizen attended strictly to business and took no political or underground action against the occupying army, he was treated with correctness" (p.5). 

In short wherever Americans have been able to investigate for themselves, they have found that however ruthless the Germans were with resisters and saboteurs, they were uncommonly Christian and decent towards the women of the conquered. They seem to have committed no more rape in conquered territories than American troops committed right here at home and in fellow-allied countries. 

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