Sunday, August 30, 2020

Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain

"Dr. William Walsh's new edition of his book Nutrient Power was published recently and having learned a lot from him over many years I am pleased to see this update and highly recommend it.  As a physician, I lead a very privileged life in that every week I utterly change the quality of life of several people because my path and his one have crossed."  - Dr. Edmund O'Flaherty, Medical Director, Bio Balance Centre, Dublin, Ireland

"Over his impressive career, Dr. Walsh has worked with 30,000 patients with conditions ranging from autism to schizophrenia to Alzheimer's.  His book is an essential tool for anyone who would prefer to heal the brain with nutrients rather than drugs."  
- Teri Arranga, editor-in-chief, Autism Science Digest

Book Excerpt:
"Psychiatry has made impressive advances in the past 50 years, but needs a new direction.  Today's emphasis on drug medications will not stand the test of time.  Drugs have helped millions of people with depression and other mental disorders but benefits usually are partial in nature and involve unpleasant or intolerable side effects.  Medication therapy is more art than science, and involves a considerable amount of trial-and-error.  A fundamental limitation is that psychiatric drugs are foreign molecules that result in an abnormal condition rather than producing normalcy.  It is unlikely that future psychiatric drugs will ever be universally effective or free of side effects.  A new approach is needed . . .

This book presents an advanced nutrient therapy system that can help millions of persons with mental disorders.  This approach recognizes that most humans have nutrient imbalances due to genetic and environmental factors, and these imbalances can cause mischief in various ways: (1) serotonin, dopamine, and other key neurotransmitters (NT's) are continuously produced in the brain from nutrient raw materials that may be at improper concentrations; (2) nutrient imbalances can alter epigenetic processes that govern NT activity at synapses; (3) deficiency in antioxidant nutrients can cripple the brain's protection against toxic metals . . . "

“This could be an elegantly simple solution to dysregulation of the extremely complex chemistry.” - Publishers Weekly

Book Review by Eva Edelman, Health Educator, Researcher and Author

Nutrient Power by William J. Walsh, PhD, grants us a privileged look at the results of 35 years of research by a scientist who never stops pushing the envelope.  Research, bolstered by a scientific database of 25,000 patients and a million assays of chemical factors in blood, urine, and tissue.

This breakthrough book is a bridge from epigenetics and molecular biology to a biochemical psychiatry based on nutrients. It guides us through the brain's rich biochemical tapestry and healing capacity. We learn about nutrients in terms of:

  1. Treatments for behavior and conduct disorders in youth, promising both a more humane and more effective approach.
  2. The role of metal metabolism, methylation and oxidative stress in autism.
  3. A review of approaches for Alzheimer's, plus a new nutrient-based therapy.
  4. New theoretical underpinnings for niacin/ folic acid treatment of schizophrenia.
  5. Biotypes underlying ADHD, depression, schizophrenia.
And more.  We move from the methylation and acetylation of DNA histones to neurotransmitter transporters and regulators and synaptic reuptake. From metallothioneins and pyrrole disorders to the repercussions of oxidative stress . . .

And through it all, we see how nutrients, being intrinsic to how the the brain operates and thrives, directly target errant brain chemistry, while supporting natural brain processes.  How nutrients fit intricately with the subtleties and plasticity of brain/body chemistry, as the most accurate biochemical key to neurotransmitter balance, synaptic activity, neuron viability, and genetic manifestation.  Nutrients, the natural match for our internal chemistry and structure, created to sustain, build, activate, moderate, repair, and support healthy brain and body function.

The lesson is truly nutrient power!  All packed into one concise gem of a book.  A must-read for anyone who ponders the power of nutrients in mental function.

Eva Edelman, Health Educator, Researcher and Author
Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder: A Compendium of Nutritional Approaches 
Natural Healing for Schizophrenia and Other Common Mental Disorders

"A necessary must for practicing physicians, patients, and families!  This book opens a new door for psychiatric healthcare.  When all else has failed, read this book."  - Albert Mensah, MD, co-founder and president of Mensah Medical

Book Excerpt:
"Good mental health requires proper neurotransmitter (NT) activity at synapses.  A dominant factor is "reuptake" in which NT molecules are whisked away from the synapse and returned to the original brain cell like a vacuum cleaner inhaling dust particles. This process is enabled by transporter proteins16,17 embedded in the cell membrane that act as a conduit for the returning NT's.  The population of transport proteins generally has a more dominant effect on synapse activity than the amount of NT present.  Genetic expression (production) of key transporters is enhanced by certain nutrients and inhibited by others.  For example, methylation of chromatin proteins is a primary mechanism for "silencing" genes that produce NT transporters.  The net result is that undermethylated persons generally have reduced serotonin activity and a tendency for depression. In another example, overmethylated persons may have excessive dopamine activity and a tendency for anxiety and paranoid schizophrenia . . ."

Book Excerpt:
"In most cases, mental illness cannot be overcome by a special diet or indiscriminant supplementation with amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.  The challenge is to identify the specific nutrient overloads and deficiencies possessed by an individual, and to provide treatments that normalize blood and brain levels of these chemicals with rifle-shot precision.  This is the essence of advanced nutrient therapy. . ."

"Epigenetics is a word unfamiliar to most of us, but is becoming better known daily.  This emerging science is steadily revealing the causes of many of the world's most challenging medical disorders, such as cancer and heart disease, and is providing a roadmap for developing vastly improved therapies.  New research indicates that many mental disorders also appear to be epigenetic in nature, and that improved treatments are available for such conditions as schizophrenia, clinical depression, autism, ADHD, and criminal behavior.  Moreover, these new therapies are based on natural substances rather than pharmaceutical drugs, with their inexact targets and difficult side effects. This is the subject of Dr. Walsh's information-packed new book, Nutrient Power."  - Hyla Cass, MD, holistic psychiatrist, educator, author 

Book Excerpt:
"THE REPEAT OFFENDERS: For several years I was perplexed by the repeated presence of certain biochemical imbalances in completely different mental disorders.  For example, copper overload is present in most cases of hyperactivity, learning disability, post-partum depression, autism, and paranoid schizophrenia. In another example, undermethylation is often present in antisocial personality disorder, clinical depression, anorexia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and schizoaffective disorder.  The primary repeat offenders are copper overload, B-6 deficiency, zinc deficiency, methyl/folate Imbalances, pyrrole disorder, and amino acid imbalances.  Eventually I realized these factors had something in common --a direct role in the synthesis or functioning of a major neurotransmitter.

With respect to mental health, the nutrient SAMe is a natural reuptake inhibitor for serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.  Folic acid is a natural reuptake enhancer that can combat excessive dopamine activity.  The individual levels of methyl and folate in the brain are not as important as the methyl/folate ratio . . .

Book Excerpt:
"It's not a coincidence that methylation is a dominant factor in epigenetics, and methylation abnormalities are common in mental illnesses. Recent advances in epigenetics provide a roadmap for nutrient therapies that have potential for overcoming mental disorders and eventual elimination of the need for psychiatric medications . . ."

"This is the book that will revolutionize psychiatry.  Here we learn that the blood chemistry of patients can be tested to see if they have too much or too little of a particular vitamin, mineral, amino acid or an essential fatty acid or oil and that this imbalance is affecting their neurotransmitters and causing them to be schizophrenic, depressed, bipolar, anxious, ADHD, etc.  If that's the problem, they can get the compensatory supplements they need to get rid of their symptoms, while the 'worried well' will depend on talk therapy to get get rid of the pain they carry in their hearts.  If I could ad a sixth star to this review, I would." - Marguerite Kelly, syndicated columnist, The Washington Post

Book Excerpt:
"In 1978, inspired by Carl Pfeiffer's success in classification of schizophrenia, I began collecting laboratory chemistries for persons diagnosed with clinical depression.  After 20 years, the database amounted to more than 300,000 assays of blood and urine for 2,800 depressed persons. Examination of this data revealed that this depressed population was biochemically different from the general population.  The database also contained detailed information for symptoms, traits, medical history, allergies, response to medications, etc.  Eventually, I discovered that the depressive population could be separated into five major chemical classifications or biotypes . . ."

Book Excerpt:
"THE FINAL BATTLEGROUND IN AUTISM: While treatments to enhance health, eliminate toxics, reduce inflammation, and overcome oxidative stress are essential, the greatest potential for progress lies in treatments aimed directly at the autistic brain.  These treatment initiatives may be divided into two general categories: (1) enhanced development of immature brain cells, and (2) therapies that promote formation of new dendrites, receptors, and synaptic connections.  Brain-directed therapies may be the best way to make decisive advances in cognition, speech, and socialization, but have received relatively little attention . . ."

"With Nutrient Power, Bill Walsh joins Linus Pauling, Carl Pfeiffer, and Abe Hoffer on the Mount Rushmore of behavioral nutrition.  I was one of those doctors who emerged from medical school blind to nutrition.  Bill Walsh opened my eyes to unsuspected nutritional needs, which saved my son.  This could happen in your family, too."  - Dr. Woody McGinnis, autism researcher

Book Excerpt:
"Epigenetics research has identified several nutrient factors that have a powerful impact on transport proteins at NT synapses, including methionine, SAMe, folic acid, niacinanide, and zinc.  These are the same nutrients pioneered by Hoffer, Pfeiffer and the author that have produced thousands of reports of recovery from schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, ADHD, and behavior disorders . . ."

Book Excerpt:
"The reality is that most children with terrible behavior were born with chemical imbalances that predispose them to this conduct.  Flawed life circumstances can aggravate this condition, but the underlying cause is usually bad chemistry.  The best way to reduce crime and violence is to identify children with antisocial tendencies and to provide effective treatment before their lives are ruined.  Until this capability is achieved, behavior-disordered children will continue to develop into criminals and our nation's horrific rate of crime and violence will persist . . ."

"Nutrient Power brings a unique perspective to mental, behavioral, and autistic disorders, including the crucial role of epigenetics.  Anyone seeking advanced treatments for mental illness will benefit greatly from reading Dr. Walsh's new book."  - John Skelton, former assistant director, Australian Army Psychology Corps
"Dr. William Walsh's new edition of his book Nutrient Power was published recently and having learned a lot from him over many years I am pleased to see this update and highly recommend it. As a physician, I lead a very privileged life in that every week I utterly change the quality of life of several people because my path and his one have crossed." - Dr. Edmund O'Flaherty, Medical Director, Bio Balance Centre, Dublin, Ireland "Over his impressive career, Dr. Walsh has worked with 30,000 patients with conditions ranging from autism to schizophrenia to Alzheimer's. His book is an essential tool for anyone who would prefer to heal the brain with nutrients rather than drugs." - Teri Arranga, editor-in-chief, Autism Science Digest Book Excerpt: "Psychiatry has made impressive advances in the past 50 years, but needs a new direction. Today's emphasis on drug medications will not stand the test of time. Drugs have helped millions of people with depression and other mental disorders but benefits usually are partial in nature and involve unpleasant or intolerable side effects. Medication therapy is more art than science, and involves a considerable amount of trial-and-error. A fundamental limitation is that psychiatric drugs are foreign molecules that result in an abnormal condition rather than producing normalcy. It is unlikely that future psychiatric drugs will ever be universally effective or free of side effects. A new approach is needed . . . This book presents an advanced nutrient therapy system that can help millions of persons with mental disorders. This approach recognizes that most humans have nutrient imbalances due to genetic and environmental factors, and these imbalances can cause mischief in various ways: (1) serotonin, dopamine, and other key neurotransmitters (NT's) are continuously produced in the brain from nutrient raw materials that may be at improper concentrations; (2) nutrient imbalances can alter epigenetic processes that govern NT activity at synapses; (3) deficiency in antioxidant nutrients can cripple the brain's protection against toxic metals . . . " “This could be an elegantly simple solution to dysregulation of the extremely complex chemistry.” - Publishers Weekly Book Review by Eva Edelman, Health Educator, Researcher and Author Nutrient Power by William J. Walsh, PhD, grants us a privileged look at the results of 35 years of research by a scientist who never stops pushing the envelope. Research, bolstered by a scientific database of 25,000 patients and a million assays of chemical factors in blood, urine, and tissue. This breakthrough book is a bridge from epigenetics and molecular biology to a biochemical psychiatry based on nutrients. It guides us through the brain's rich biochemical tapestry and healing capacity. We learn about nutrients in terms of: Treatments for behavior and conduct disorders in youth, promising both a more humane and more effective approach. The role of metal metabolism, methylation and oxidative stress in autism. A review of approaches for Alzheimer's, plus a new nutrient-based therapy. New theoretical underpinnings for niacin/ folic acid treatment of schizophrenia. Biotypes underlying ADHD, depression, schizophrenia. And more. We move from the methylation and acetylation of DNA histones to neurotransmitter transporters and regulators and synaptic reuptake. From metallothioneins and pyrrole disorders to the repercussions of oxidative stress . . . And through it all, we see how nutrients, being intrinsic to how the the brain operates and thrives, directly target errant brain chemistry, while supporting natural brain processes. How nutrients fit intricately with the subtleties and plasticity of brain/body chemistry, as the most accurate biochemical key to neurotransmitter balance, synaptic activity, neuron viability, and genetic manifestation. Nutrients, the natural match for our internal chemistry and structure, created to sustain, build, activate, moderate, repair, and support healthy brain and body function. The lesson is truly nutrient power! All packed into one concise gem of a book. A must-read for anyone who ponders the power of nutrients in mental function. Eva Edelman, Health Educator, Researcher and Author Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder: A Compendium of Nutritional Approaches Natural Healing for Schizophrenia and Other Common Mental Disorders "A necessary must for practicing physicians, patients, and families! This book opens a new door for psychiatric healthcare. When all else has failed, read this book." - Albert Mensah, MD, co-founder and president of Mensah Medical Book Excerpt: "Good mental health requires proper neurotransmitter (NT) activity at synapses. A dominant factor is "reuptake" in which NT molecules are whisked away from the synapse and returned to the original brain cell like a vacuum cleaner inhaling dust particles. This process is enabled by transporter proteins16,17 embedded in the cell membrane that act as a conduit for the returning NT's. The population of transport proteins generally has a more dominant effect on synapse activity than the amount of NT present. Genetic expression (production) of key transporters is enhanced by certain nutrients and inhibited by others. For example, methylation of chromatin proteins is a primary mechanism for "silencing" genes that produce NT transporters. The net result is that undermethylated persons generally have reduced serotonin activity and a tendency for depression. In another example, overmethylated persons may have excessive dopamine activity and a tendency for anxiety and paranoid schizophrenia . . ." Book Excerpt: "In most cases, mental illness cannot be overcome by a special diet or indiscriminant supplementation with amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. The challenge is to identify the specific nutrient overloads and deficiencies possessed by an individual, and to provide treatments that normalize blood and brain levels of these chemicals with rifle-shot precision. This is the essence of advanced nutrient therapy. . ." "Epigenetics is a word unfamiliar to most of us, but is becoming better known daily. This emerging science is steadily revealing the causes of many of the world's most challenging medical disorders, such as cancer and heart disease, and is providing a roadmap for developing vastly improved therapies. New research indicates that many mental disorders also appear to be epigenetic in nature, and that improved treatments are available for such conditions as schizophrenia, clinical depression, autism, ADHD, and criminal behavior. Moreover, these new therapies are based on natural substances rather than pharmaceutical drugs, with their inexact targets and difficult side effects. This is the subject of Dr. Walsh's information-packed new book, Nutrient Power." - Hyla Cass, MD, holistic psychiatrist, educator, author Book Excerpt: "THE REPEAT OFFENDERS: For several years I was perplexed by the repeated presence of certain biochemical imbalances in completely different mental disorders. For example, copper overload is present in most cases of hyperactivity, learning disability, post-partum depression, autism, and paranoid schizophrenia. In another example, undermethylation is often present in antisocial personality disorder, clinical depression, anorexia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and schizoaffective disorder. The primary repeat offenders are copper overload, B-6 deficiency, zinc deficiency, methyl/folate Imbalances, pyrrole disorder, and amino acid imbalances. Eventually I realized these factors had something in common --a direct role in the synthesis or functioning of a major neurotransmitter. With respect to mental health, the nutrient SAMe is a natural reuptake inhibitor for serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Folic acid is a natural reuptake enhancer that can combat excessive dopamine activity. The individual levels of methyl and folate in the brain are not as important as the methyl/folate ratio . . ." Book Excerpt: "It's not a coincidence that methylation is a dominant factor in epigenetics, and methylation abnormalities are common in mental illnesses. Recent advances in epigenetics provide a roadmap for nutrient therapies that have potential for overcoming mental disorders and eventual elimination of the need for psychiatric medications . . ." "This is the book that will revolutionize psychiatry. Here we learn that the blood chemistry of patients can be tested to see if they have too much or too little of a particular vitamin, mineral, amino acid or an essential fatty acid or oil and that this imbalance is affecting their neurotransmitters and causing them to be schizophrenic, depressed, bipolar, anxious, ADHD, etc. If that's the problem, they can get the compensatory supplements they need to get rid of their symptoms, while the 'worried well' will depend on talk therapy to get get rid of the pain they carry in their hearts. If I could ad a sixth star to this review, I would." - Marguerite Kelly, syndicated columnist, The Washington Post Book Excerpt: "In 1978, inspired by Carl Pfeiffer's success in classification of schizophrenia, I began collecting laboratory chemistries for persons diagnosed with clinical depression. After 20 years, the database amounted to more than 300,000 assays of blood and urine for 2,800 depressed persons. Examination of this data revealed that this depressed population was biochemically different from the general population. The database also contained detailed information for symptoms, traits, medical history, allergies, response to medications, etc. Eventually, I discovered that the depressive population could be separated into five major chemical classifications or biotypes . . ." Book Excerpt: "THE FINAL BATTLEGROUND IN AUTISM: While treatments to enhance health, eliminate toxics, reduce inflammation, and overcome oxidative stress are essential, the greatest potential for progress lies in treatments aimed directly at the autistic brain. These treatment initiatives may be divided into two general categories: (1) enhanced development of immature brain cells, and (2) therapies that promote formation of new dendrites, receptors, and synaptic connections. Brain-directed therapies may be the best way to make decisive advances in cognition, speech, and socialization, but have received relatively little attention . . ." "With Nutrient Power, Bill Walsh joins Linus Pauling, Carl Pfeiffer, and Abe Hoffer on the Mount Rushmore of behavioral nutrition. I was one of those doctors who emerged from medical school blind to nutrition. Bill Walsh opened my eyes to unsuspected nutritional needs, which saved my son. This could happen in your family, too." - Dr. Woody McGinnis, autism researcher Book Excerpt: "Epigenetics research has identified several nutrient factors that have a powerful impact on transport proteins at NT synapses, including methionine, SAMe, folic acid, niacinanide, and zinc. These are the same nutrients pioneered by Hoffer, Pfeiffer and the author that have produced thousands of reports of recovery from schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, ADHD, and behavior disorders . . ." Book Excerpt: "The reality is that most children with terrible behavior were born with chemical imbalances that predispose them to this conduct. Flawed life circumstances can aggravate this condition, but the underlying cause is usually bad chemistry. The best way to reduce crime and violence is to identify children with antisocial tendencies and to provide effective treatment before their lives are ruined. Until this capability is achieved, behavior-disordered children will continue to develop into criminals and our nation's horrific rate of crime and violence will persist . . ." "Nutrient Power brings a unique perspective to mental, behavioral, and autistic disorders, including the crucial role of epigenetics. Anyone seeking advanced treatments for mental illness will benefit greatly from reading Dr. Walsh's new book." - John Skelton, former assistant director, Australian Army Psychology Corps

Palestinian arab fake claim of continuity

Contrary to Palestinian claims and myths, Palestine has not been Arab from time immemorial

Have Arabs been in the area west of the Jordan River from time immemorial?

In 1881, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, a leading British cartographer and Dean of Westminster Abbey, reported that “in Judea it is hardly an exaggeration to say that for miles and miles there was no appearance of life or habitation” (Sinai and Palestine in Connection with Their History, New York 1895, pp. 184-186).

The Egyptian immigration

According to Arieh Avneri, a ground-breaking historian of Arab and Jewish migration to Palestine (The Claim of Dispossession1980), during the Egyptian conquest (1831-1840), “there was a limited influx of some thousands of [Egyptian] immigrants, whom Ibrahim Pasha [the ruler of Egypt] brought in to settle the empty stretches of the country. Before them, a goodly number of Egyptians had fled Egypt, seeking to evade the military draft…. They sought sanctuary with the governor of Acre, who granted it readily.”

The French-Egyptian scholar, Muhammad Sabry [ href="" style="background: transparent; border: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; color: #2f9bdd; font-family: "Open Sans", Alef, sans-serif; font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration-line: none; vertical-align: baseline;">The Egyptian Empire under Mohammed Ali and the question of the Orient, 1930], confirmed that “the Governor of Acre encouraged the migration of fellaheen [peasants] from Egypt and gave them shelter…. In 1831, more than 6,000 fellaheen crossed the Egyptian border…. After he conquered Palestine, not only did Mohammed Ali [Ibrahim Pasha’s father] refrain from sending back the draft evaders to Egypt, but he sent new settlers to consolidate his rule…. The Egyptian ruler also brought the Bedouin slave-tribe, Arab ed-Damair….”

Avneri highlights (ibid.) many documents published by the British Palestine Exploration Fund.  For instance:

“Most of Jaffa was made up of Egyptian-populated districts…. Philip Baldensperger [a renowned anthropologist] stated that in 1893, the inhabitants of many villages in the southern part of the country [between Gaza and Tulkarem] were of Egyptian origin….


The dwellers of some parts of the south were originally brought to Palestine from Libya…. Hundreds of families of Egyptian origin accompanied the conquering forces of Ibrahim Pasha…. Similarly, in the cities of Samaria and Judea there are hundreds of families which, to this day, are named Masri [the Egyptian]….


Before WW1, Egyptian laborers worked on the reclamation of the swamp-lands…. Egyptians participated in the laying of the railroad tracks from Jerusalem to Jaffa, and thereafter remained in the country….


“According to Baldensperger, the existing population in Jaffa contained at least twenty-five different nationalities [mostly Egyptians, but also SyriansYemenitesPersiansAfghanisHindus and Baluchis]….

Additional Arab/Moslem migrants

Avneri adds (ibid.) that “in 1856, the French [conquerors of Algeria] permitted Abd al-Qadir al-Husseini [the leader of the anti-French rebellion] to leave Algeria together with some followers. Some went to Syria and others to Palestine…. These immigrants were called Mughrabis [originating in the Maghreb, North Africa]. They founded four villages in the Lower Galilee…. Quite a number of Mughrabis settled in Safed, and probably in Tiberias….

“In 1914, Masterman [British Palestine Exploration Fund] described the Moslem population of Safed as being of mixed origin.  One of the neighborhoods was called Hareth el-Karad, which denotes a population of Kurdish origin…. Half of the Moslem population of Safed were Mughrabis…. Other Moslem Arabs were immigrants from Damascus and Bedouins from the Jordan Valley…. In 1893, Baldensperger wrote [British Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly] about the Mughrabis of Jaffa…. The PersiansAfghansHindus and Baluchis were engaged in commerce….

“In 1878, the Ottoman Sultan, Abd el-Hamid took under his protection Circassian refugees who had fled the Christian-Russian rule in the Caucasus.  Many settled in Jordan.  Others settled west of the Jordan River in Kafer Kamma, Sarona and Reihaniya.  Some Moslems from Bosnia also found refuge in Palestine and settled near Caesarea… Laurence Oliphant [a British traveler, author and diplomat] wrote about one of the Turkoman tribes that pitched their black tents near a Circassian village, arriving from the mountains of Iraq…. In 1908, a group of Arabs arrived in Jaffa from Yemen and settled there….

“In 1878, Claude Reignier Conder [British Palestine Exploration Fund] reported that the large Jezreel Valley was the refuge of the Bedouins whenever war or famine threatened their existence in Jordan…. In 1870, only a sixth of the lands were ploughed, because the valley was occupied by Bedouins…. The same phenomenon occurred in the southern part of the country [e.g., from the Hebron area and southward]….

Infrastructure projects enticed Arab immigration

Avneri adds (ibid.): “The building of the Jerusalem-Jaffa railroad [inaugurated in 1892] employed many local and outside labor.  The Belgian company that built the railroad imported Egyptian laborers, many of whom remained in the country.  At the start of the 20th century, work on the railway track between Haifa and Dera’a [in southwestern Syria] began. At the outbreak of WW1, the Haifa-Nablus railroad was launched…. Many workers were imported from neighboring countries….

“In 1880, Haifa was a small town of 6,000 souls. In 1910 it tripled to 18,000 inhabitants, of whom 15,000 were Moslem and Christian Arabs. Many of the newcomers were from Lebanon and Syria….  Jaffa developed as a port city… through which passed pilgrims…. Some of them remained in Jaffa. Jaffa’s population doubled during 1890-1910, numbering 43,000 of whom 30,000 were Moslem and Christian Arabs.  Also, a large number of pilgrims from North Africa settled in Jerusalem amidst their countrymen, who arrived in earlier times….

“The rapid population growth in Jaffa and Haifa (following the British victory in WW1) was, in large part, due to the influx of many Egyptian laborers, policemen, contractors, foremen and businessmen, who accompanied the advance of the British Army…. The building of the railroad to Qantara on the Egyptian border employed thousands of Egyptians, many of whom preferred to settle in Haifa….

“The British authorities preferred Egyptian, Syrian or other foreign Arab laborers [ e.g., Sudan] – over Jewish immigrants – when it came to erecting military bases, operating quarries, paving roads and the construction of the port of Haifa….

“During 1919-1922, the Arab-Moslem population grew from 515,000 to 590,000, largely, due to Arab immigration….

“The years 1932-1936 were marked by unprecedented economic prosperity… and a considerable influx of Arab immigrants….

“During WW2, there was a severe labor shortage in Palestine. Thousands of Arabs immigrated…. In 1942, the British Mandate issues emergency regulations permitting the British Army to bring laborers from Arab countries….

“The outbreak of violence that occurred from time to time [against Jews and intra-Arab], especially during 1936-1938, drew thousands of Arab mercenaries from the neighboring countries…. Many mercenaries remained in the country….”

In conclusion

Prof. Efraim Karsh features a report by the British Peel Commission (Palestine Betrayed, 2010): “during 1922-1931, the increase of Arab population in Haifa, Jaffa and Jerusalem was 86%, 62% and 37% respectively.”

As a result of the 1880-1947 waves of Arab immigration, the Arab population of Jaffa, Haifa and Ramla grew 17, 12 and 5 times respectively.

Thus, contrary to Palestinian claims, Arab residents west of the Jordan River (Judea, Samaria and pre-1967 Israel) are not descendants of the Canaanites, but of Arab migrants.

Moreover, in defiance of a myth advanced by the Palestinian Authority, Palestine has not been Arab/Moslem from time immemorial.

In fact, since the Greek Empire era (5th century BCE), the term Palestine (Palaistine) referred to the Land of Israel, directly linked to the People of Israel.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Dying to Have Known - The Evidence Behind Natural Healing

Master filmmaker Steve Kroschel, intrigued by a stunning statement from his last documentary, sets out to find hard evidence of the effectiveness of the Gerson Therapy, a long-suppressed natural cancer cure.

His travels take him across both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, from upstate New York to San Diego to Alaska, from Japan and Holland to Spain and Mexico.

In the end, he presents the testimony of patients, scientists, surgeons and nutritionists who testify to the effectiveness of the Gerson Therapy in curing cancer and other degenerative diseases, and show the hard scientific evidence to back up their claims.

The question that remains is, "Why is this powerful curative therapy still suppressed, more than 75 years after it was clearly proven to cure degenerative disease?"

In his film, Mr. Kroschel interviews top nutritional and agricultural experts, two surgeons, a Japanese medical school professor who cured himself of liver cancer over 15 years ago, a lymphoma patient who was diagnosed as "terminal" over 50 years ago, as well as noted critics of this world-renowned healing method who dismiss it out of hand as "pure quackery".

The viewer is left to decide for himself which is the truth.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Human 2.0? A Wake-Up Call To The World! https://sciencebusiness.technewslit.c...

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Israeli officials plan Middle East trip with the White House . CNN

Updated 1928 GMT (0328 HKT) August 25, 2020

Kushner who is President Donald Trump's son-in-law and serves as one of his top advisers, national security adviser Robert O'Brien, outgoing US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook and Special Representative for International Negotiations Avi Berkowitz will lead a delegation to the Middle East next week, according to a senior White House official.
The group will first stop in Israel for meetings, after which they will escort Israeli government aviation, space, health and banking experts for talks with their Emirati counterparts, the official said. They added that the historic flight between the two countries will travel from Tel Aviv to Abu Dhabi.
    Earlier this month, the White House released a lengthy joint statement between the US, UAE and Israel, calling the agreement of a "full normalization of relations" between Israel and the UAE a "historic diplomatic breakthrough." Israel vowed to ​temporarily "suspend​" plans to annex the West Bank as part of a new White House brokered plan.
    The plan also included intentions to create commercial routes between Tel Aviv and the UAE's two major airports in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, and so, the flight itself has been expected.

    Trip comes after agreement hit obstacles

    The escorted journey comes as White House officials look to patch up the snags that have arisen since the deal was first announced. Both Israel and the UAE issued a flurry of contradictory statements about how the deal will impact Palestinians, who viewed the announcement as a sign of waning support among fellow Arabs.
    UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed said on Twitter that an agreement had been reached to stop further Israeli annexation of Palestinian territories, a threat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had pledged to fulfill this year. But later, in a televised address, Netanyahu confirmed that his annexation plans had only been "temporarily suspended," adding that he was "still committed" to annexing parts of the West Bank. Omar Ghobash, a top Emirati government minister, later confirmed "we don't have any guarantees as such" from Israel that it would not annex occupied Palestinian territory in the future.
    A number of reports also suggested that the UAE would solidify its efforts to acquire new F-35 fighter jets as a concession. Netanyahu initially slammed reports of a possible stealth fighter jet deal as "completely fake news." But then Kushner said Sunday in an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria that the recent peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates "should increase the probability" of an F-35 jet sale to the UAE.
    Israel and the UAE had grown increasingly tolerant of one another in recent years, and a deal between the two, while significant, was not completely unexpected. However, Kushner and his team operated quietly to finalize the details, so the actual announcement came as a surprise.
    While many have hailed the announcement as historic, some critics viewed the normalization deal as an effort by the Trump White House to preserve flailing efforts at achieving some semblance of Middle East peace. It's also symbolic of the departure of Kushner's Middle East peace plan from one largely focused on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, to a regional strategy to counter Iranian aggression.
    Kushner and the other delegates are also expected to travel to Bahrain, and possibly Qatar and Morocco during their visit, the official said, although it remains unclear whether any of these countries are ready to follow the UAE and establish ties with Israel. The trip comes on the heels of a trip to the region this week by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
      Two US officials and two Middle Eastern officials tell CNN that the White House is discussing normalization deals between Israel and Bahrain, Oman, Morocco and Sudan as well, although it remains unclear if they will be able to get those agreements signed by the November election.
      A Saudi Arabia-Israel normalization agreement would be a big win for the Trump administration, but those officials tell CNN that any such agreement is unlikely so long as the Kingdom's King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is alive. The Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is seen as more willing to venture into uncharted territories such as these, the officials added.