Sunday, September 24, 2023

Some Very Important Questions about the Holocaust

             Concentration camps for Japanese in USA in WW2

Some questions you should be asking:

1. Air Photo Evidence: Reconnaissance spy planes by allied forces were flown over the Nazi labor camps and photos were taken of them.

Why do none of these photos show long lines of people on their way to the supposed homicidal gas chambers?

The U.S. military released the photo collection into the public domain. Where are all the millions of Jews waiting in line to be poisoned with gas on these pictures?
2. The Enigma Machine: The British cracked the secret Nazi encryption they were using to communicate with each other. Why are there no private messages between the Nazi labor camps and the Nazi high command reporting people being poisoned in homicidal gas chambers? Why are none of the hyperbolic death tolls of 6 million Jews ever communicated?
3. Vienna 1970s: Why did the Government of Austria’s courts acquit the architects of murder who designed Auschwitz after they found no evidence of homicidal gas chambers?
4. Why do all the ''eyewitness'' testimony from Holocaust survivors describe the gassed people as turning blue, when scientists have known for centuries that cyanide poisoning turns people red?
5. How did they get so many Holocaust survivors to lie about homicidal gas chambers in all the camps? For example:

How did they get 200 Holocaust survivors at Dachau to all lie and say 438,000 people were poison- gassed at Dachau, but then decades later museum scientists officially state there was no homicidal gassing at Dachau?

How did we go from 438K to ZERO? How do you actually get 200 people to agree on atrocity propaganda that turns out to be a 100% forensic lie?
6. Where did the Holocaust propaganda of Nazi bicycle foot pedal-powered brain-bashing machines come from that were supposedly bashing Jew's heads?
7. Where did the Nazi nuclear atomic bombs that melted 20,000 Jews come from?
8. They genetically tested the lampshades and soap made from Jewish skin/fat and found it was a fraud. Where did the fake soap made from dead Jewish women’s love handles come from? Where did the fake lampshades made from the skin of Jewish people come from?
9. Why is there no document, order, letter, report, diary entry, memoir, etc… by Hitler, Goring, Goebbels Rosenberg, and Himmler which mentions the “gassing of Jews”. None, whatsoever, why? (Gould, 2022)
10. Why is there no single mention of homicidal gas chambers in any of their memoirs by any of the allied Generals who toured the camps after WW2 ended?
11. Why do all the population statistics published in Jewish sources show no major population reduction of 6 million Jews before and after WW2?
12. Why are there hundreds of examples of the claim about 6 million Jews suffering in newspaper reports long before WW2?

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