Monday, September 4, 2023

I have some questions about the ''Holocaust'' I’d like answered!

How were prisoners able to survive for years in extermination camps, often traveling from one camp to another?

Why do the door in Auschwitz ''gass-chamber'' swing in? How did they open the doors with a pile of bodies pressed against them?

Why are the doors to the ''gas-chamber''wooden and not airtight?

Why were there easy- to- break windows in the gas chamber at Auschwitz?

Why were the prisoners provided with entertainment like music orchestras, sport facilities like swimming-pools and soccer-fields, theatres for children, cinema and even brothels?

Why were all the extermination camps located in Soviet territory?

Why don’t the chimney connect with any ovens?

Why wasn’t prussian blue staining (typical for use of cyanide ZyklonB) found in the supposed gas chambers, but was present in the delousing chambers?

Why did the Red Cross claim that 270.000 people died of all causes in ALL THE GERMAN CAMPS, thereof around 135.000 jews, mostly from Typhus,dysentery and hunger the last months of the war?

Why did the British pilots not see smoke from all the burning bodies?

How were the Germans able to cremate bodies multiple times faster than we can with modern technology?

Why were the ovens ONE FLOOR ABOVE the gas chamber in Auschwitz? Wouldn’t it make more sense to do the reverse so you don’t have to haul the bodies up in an elevator which could only take a few bodies in each haul?

Where did all the coke (coal) come from that was used to burn these bodies? We are talking tons every day.

Why is there only one door to the gas chamber in Auschwitz? Surely prisoners would start asking questions. It would make more sense to rotate the chamber 90 degrees and have multiple entrances.

Why are the methods the Nazis used to “humiliate” the Jewlsh people consistent with the measures taken to prevent Typhus - new clothes after strip-naked and shower, shaving of heads and delousing with Zyklon B?

Why did the Germans do any of this and not just put a buIIet to the inmates' heads? Why would you feed and house these people for years while  you are fighting a two-front war if you just plan on kiIIing them?

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