Here it is, between two covers for the very first time—a comprehensive look at the Jewish mafia from the earliest times until today.
By Hervé Ryssen. Translated by Carlos Whitlock Porter.
Meticulously detailed and documented largely from Jewish sources, this book is a fearless examination of organized Jewish criminality in all parts of the world, with an astonishing catalog of serious crimes.
The author, Hervé Ryssen, has been jailed 13 times for writing seven books. His most recent conviction in 2015, for which he received three months hard time, came simply as punishment for the original cover to this book (a stock illustration of 1930s gangsters with a list of their crimes—arms dealing, racketeering, contract murder, drug dealing, money laundering, pimping, casinos, pornography, kidnapping, burglary, armed robbery, diamond swindles, white slaving, smuggling, African slave trading, trafficking in stolen artwork etc.). That cover has changed to the one you see here.
Now expanded, updated and revised, perhaps the most shocking chapters of the book are those dealing with forced prostitution in Israel, international organ trafficking and the organ transplant industry.
But further description of the contents is not nearly as powerful as a portion of the table of contents.
Inside The Jewish Mafia, Ryssen details:
- the “Torah Nostra’s” history
- American organized crime (and you thought Al Capone was a top criminal)
- Murder, Inc.
- Meyer Lansky
- the “invisible” mafia
- the pillage of Russia
- Mafioso Democracy
- the fall of the Oligarchs, crime from Berlin to Marbella
- the Organizatsiya in America, Antwerp, Vilnius, Bangkok, Bogota
- the mafia in Israel
- the diamond industry
- revolutionary paramilitary funding;
- hashish, cocaine, heroin and the “ecstasy” trade
- porno cinema
- the trafficking of illegal immigrants
- the white slave trade
- the Atlantic African slave trade
- Christian slaves of the Middle Ages
- organ selling
- the aesthetic surgery racket
- Claude Lipsky’s swindles
- Jacques Croz-marie and the ARC scandal
- horse racing and garage rip-offs
- the VAT fraud
- swindling fellow Jews
- Samuel Flatto-Sharon
- crime in England, the U.S. and France
- Monsieur Michel and Monsieur Joseph, Seams and Co.
- profit fever
- the pillaging of vanquished countries
- and more.
This is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive, fascinating and fast-paced book ever written on the crimes of the Jewish mafia, from a man who dares to write the truth despite being a favorite and repeated target of the politically correct Zionist thought police.
Softcover, 381 pages, 475 supporting endnotes
We all “know” about the Mafia. We “know” it is primarily Sicilian. We “know” it has lost a lot of its influence on the world around us. We may even “know” that there are “Russian” or “Chechen” or “Asian” or “Colombian” organized crime syndicates. But is what we “know” really true? Or is all of it a clever deception employed by the real mafiosi to hide their actual identity? And do their co-tribalists in the mass media collaborate in the charade through deliberate falsehoods? Who are the true criminals?
The Jewish Mafia is a book containing the sort of knowledge that gets people killed—particularly if they are muckraking journalists. That is not an exaggeration. More than one investigative reporter has died from “too much information” and an “excessive curiosity” about the doings of one of the most brutal, most ruthless and most deadly global criminal organization ever to exist: the selfsame Jewish mafia.
“What is this ‘Jewish’ mafia?” you may ask. “I’ve never heard of it before.” Sure, there have been swindlers like Bernie Madoff, former bootleggers like the Bronfman family or a few unscrupulous rabbis who traded in human body parts. But a true Jewish mafia?
Indeed, there is one, although nowadays even most Jews in America are ignorant of it. And it is one of the oldest and most pervasive crime syndicates, at that. It is, moreover, to the great honor of Hervé Ryssen, a Frenchman born in 1967, that he has assembled in a single volume one of the most comprehensive overviews of Jewish criminality ever published.
And it is to the credit of Carlos W. Porter, as well, that he has produced the English translation. There are not a few individuals who would like the facts contained in Ryssen’s book to disappear down the “memory hole.”
But isn’t Ryssen’s work just “virulent anti-Semitism”? It’s just so much Jew-baiting hate speech, right? Wrong. The author has compiled the thousands of facts in his book primarily from Jewish sources—including some the Tribe does not want non-Jews to read.
And in so doing, he manifests to the reader some of the key reasons why Jews historically have earned the contempt of nearly every people among whom they have lived.
It is not just Jewish separatism and racialism, or their peculiar customs and religious practices, that have led to the expulsion of the formerly “Chosen People” from almost every nation at some point. Far from it. Rather, it is the centuries-long Jewish practices of exploiting the rest of the human race and degrading it below the level of animals that earn the Judaic people the enmity of others: gambling, robbery, swindling, murder, rape, drugs, abortion, pornography, white slavery, prostitution, human trafficking, sodomy and nearly every other conceivable vice.
Of course, we know that not all Jews engage in or support this sort of criminality. Many are decent, ordinary people. But nearly all enable the continuation of such barbarism by covering it up and failing to confront and end it, out of fear of new “pogroms” or an exaggerated sense of ethnic solidarity.
Consequently, the anti-Jewish backlash turns out much greater, and that peculiar race is punished even more severely. Such are the results of cultural paranoid psychosis.
Ryssen begins his account with the development of the mafia in America, which evolved, especially in New York City, out of the gangsterism of the late 19th century into what truly was “organized crime.” Of course, the story of the Sicilians and Calabrians is familiar, and they have their place in this story, too.
But after the War Between the States, the late 1800s saw a massive emigration of Jews from Galicia and the Pale of Settlement—today’s Poland, Ukraine and Russia —to America. They had made themselves unwelcome among the Slavs because of their “business” activities and personal habits. Two million thus traveled to the U.S. and brought their particular “skills” with them. Most settled in New York City.
At first, as with the Italians and Irish, crime was the work of individuals or small gangs: theft, murder for hire, arson (“Jewish lightning”) and, when hired by wealthier German Jewish businessmen from uptown, skull-splitting strikebreaking and union-busting.
Arnold Rothstein was the first crime boss—the first “godfather” in New York. Unlike most mafiosi, who were from poorer circumstances, he was the son of a Jewish millionaire. When Rothstein married a non-Jew, the family declared him “dead,” and he thenceforward devoted himself to his passions.
He did not lead his gangs himself, but he became the eminence grise [“gray eminence”—power behind the throne—Ed.] of the underworld, its organizer. He settled conflicts, supplied money, manpower and protection, and then—when things went wrong—bail money and lawyers. In New York, which was already one of the biggest Jewish cities in the world in 1920, Arnold Rothstein built a gambling empire. . . . Among his regular clients of his [casino] establishment were . . . personages such as Joseph Seagram, the “Canadian” whisky baron . . . or Harry “Sinclair,” the oil magnate.
Rothstein was also involved in the drug trade (opium and cocaine) and horse breeding.1
Rothstein was not alone, of course. There were others of greater or lesser infamy: Charles “King” Salomon, Longy Zwillman, Meyer Lansky, Arthur Flegenheimer (better known as “Dutch Schultz”), Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel and Louis “Lepke” Buchalter—one of New York’s “Jewish Big Six.” There were the Torah Nostra, the Purple Gang in Detroit, the Cleveland Four and “Murder, Incorporated.”
Over the first half of the 20th century, Jewish organized crime spread from East Coast to West Coast in America and over the borders, too. Many people do not realize that the Jews gradually muscled the Italians out of leadership in the Chicago mafia.
Two events occurred in the 1920s that changed the face of gangsterism. In 1925, Benito Mussolini set about eliminating the mafia from Italy, and very effectively, too. A number of criminals fled to the U.S. In fact, Mussolini was so successful at the project that exiled mafiosi in America voluntarily provided “security” at U.S. ports during World War II and, along with their counterparts back in Sicily, provided critical intelligence and assistance in the Allied invasion of Sicily—all in order to be rid of Mussolini. (Jewish mobsters were similarly “patriotic” and “anti-fascist.”)
The second thing to occur was a conference of major crime bosses in Atlantic City in 1929. Charles “Lucky” Luciano was the first Sicilian to cooperate with the Jewish mafia. The “Catholic” Italians traditionally abhorred the Jewish gangsters, whom they considered to be untrustworthy and without the least sense of honor. At Atlantic City, Luciano and the five Sicilian crime families, and Meyer Lansky and the Jewish gangs set up a “syndicate” with a board of directors. In order to expand their “business,” instead of killing each other, they established an organization which divvied up territories and types of criminal activity among the various bosses. Each group could also hire the services of the other gangs, and the seven board directors resolved disputes. The board also had sole authority to permit reprisal killings of rule-breakers.
This was the beginning of truly “organized crime.” Ryssen traces for us its development, the major players, the rivalries and personalities, and the key events. It takes a strong stomach to read about the Black Dahlia murder, for example, but Ryssen lays the responsibility at the feet of one of the time’s leading Jewish mafia bosses, who was trying to frame his rival.
The author also describes how these Jewish criminals gained control of innumerable businesses, legitimate or not so legitimate. We learn about the rise of gambling in Las Vegas, which was always a project of the Jewish mafia, and how the Jewish mobs gained control of Los Angeles, Hollywood and the film industry.
These same felons were also convinced Zionists, and even sometimes Judaist religious practicants, who contributed vast sums of money and smuggled a huge volume of weapons to Jewish terrorists in Palestine, as their contribution to the establishment of the state of Israel.
But that is not all there is to Jewish mafias, which are a vast network of criminal organizations around the world, all of which have been intertwined with one another in varying degrees through numerous decades. Nevertheless, as Ryssen recounts, “cosmopolitan” Jewish intellectuals and media moguls studiously deceive non-Jews, especially in America, into believing that these mafiosi are not Jewish at all but white Aryans!
In more recent decades, at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, and thanks in no small part to Jewish control of Western governments and mass media, we heard about the rise of the “Russian” mafia and “Russian” oligarchs. This was another ruse by world Jewry, which adopted the Israeli practice of calling Jews from Russia, well, “Russians.”
While no mafia group is ever exclusively comprised of one ethnic or racial group, we typically describe it according to its region of activity: Sicilian, Russian, Chechen, Asian or, in the case of the illegal drug trade, the “French Connection.” It is nearly incredible, however, that one group always comes to dominate the others, yet is not generally publicly known.
Ryssen quotes Jacques Attali, a former advisor to two French presidents: “Among Jews, as always, they don’t do things by halves: If they’re going to be criminals, they might as well be the best.”2
Ryssen explains:
A greed for profit and the love of riches are surely two of the most characteristic features of the Jewish community; it is for precisely these features that the Jews are most frequently caricatured. It is certain that the Jews, who did not believe in hell, or any other kind of afterlife, or in reincarnation, were also less restrained by moral obligations than other peoples of the Earth, and are more inclined to ‘lay up treasures on Earth’—i.e., to invest at interest in their brief Earthly sojourn.3
Following the Soviet collapse, Western Jewish plutocrats, like Henry Kissinger and George Soros, pushed the immediate “privatization” of Russian business, manufacturing and natural resources. This played right into the hands—no doubt, intentionally—of “Russian” Jews, who were already gaining control of those key market sectors—and also the military—in the final years of communist rule. The latter were, at least in some cases, already involved in criminal enterprises. “Privatization” is always a code word for transfer of wealth to Jewish hands.
In the early 1990s, under alcoholic Russian President Boris Yeltsin, a small number of Jewish criminal types were able to become billionaires almost overnight through not only the usual tactics of organized crime, which controlled the country at that time, but also through stunningly brash stock swindles and other illegal business activities, as well as massive bribery and appointments to government offices, and even war. At least one purchased his own submarine, and some traded in Russian military weapons and ships.
Ryssen’s account of the exploits of Boris Berezovsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Vladimir Gusinsky and a handful of others must be read to be believed. Through fraud, intimidation and murder, a dozen or so men, often holding dual Israeli citizenship as a “get out of jail free card,” plundered the Russian nation and the former Soviet-bloc countries of most of their wealth and natural resources, leaving the Russian and Eastern European peoples in poverty so abject that a massive, Jewish-run, international white slavery operation grew up, as desperate Slavs tried to escape by answering phony advertisements for working abroad, or by simply prostituting themselves at home. Numberless Russians died or were killed.
The depth of poverty Russians experienced at that time, because of the Jewish mafia, has only been equaled or surpassed by Weimar Germany, the Ukrainian famine under Stalin and in present-day Ukraine under the rule of Jewish oligarchs. All have been thanks to the Tribe.
Ironically, the Jewish oligarchs/mafia bosses helped put current President Vladimir Putin into power, believing him a faithful tool. But Putin entered upon a nationalist program that imprisoned or expelled all of them who refused to put the Russian people first, while he regained control of Russian business, media and resources for the Russian nation.
These suddenly dethroned, would-be “Russian” rulers—at least the ones who managed to escape to “exile,” like Khodorkovsky, positioned themselves, in typical Jewish fashion, as innocent victims, “human rights activists” and “freedom fighters” against Putin’s “communist corruption.” The Zionist-run Western media and politicians support this ruse, as Khodorkovsky and other oligarchs openly plot the overthrow of Putin. Khodorkovsky even fancies he will rule Russia.
Thus, The Jewish Mafia is a critical tool to understand “Western,” i.e., Jewish, hatred for Russia.
The book further reveals the insidious spread of Jewish mafia groups across the world, into dozens of countries and every continent except Antarctica. Some of the personalities will surprise you. Others may not surprise, like Marc Rich, the super-wealthy donor to Bill Clinton, but their connections are revealing. Guess who was involved in the “Colombian” cocaine trade, or who was tied to drug kingpin Pepe Escobar, who was hooked in with George H. W. Bush, the CIA and the Iran-Contra scandal? Who completely controls trafficking in the drug called ecstasy? And who do you suppose bribed Abe Foxman, the apostate Catholic, Jewish former head of the Anti-Defamation League, to provide favorable publicity to cover his wrongdoing?
Most stunning of all is that all criminal roads lead to Israel, which is the center of global Jewish criminal activity, due to the “Jewish right of return” and a nearly total lack of laws against many of the criminal activities favored by the “Israelites.” Jewish criminals inevitably seek asylum from the Zionist state and are rarely refused. Many leading Israeli officials are paid off by Jewish mafiosi, and you need to know who.
There are many people, both Jews and their non-Jewish apologists, who whirl like dervishes, attempting to deny Jewish criminality or pin blame on white people through clever propaganda. Yet Ryssen’s numerous Jewish sources tell a different tale. Of course, not all Jews are criminals. But there is absolutely no segment of Jewry which is not involved directly in the most heinous criminal activity: Ashkenazic or Sephardic; religious or secular; Hasidic, Orthodox or non-observant; poor or wealthy; politicians, accountants, filmmakers, casino magnates, garment-makers, restaurateurs, lawyers and rabbis.
There is also no type of crime or vice in which Jews are not involved—something which gives pause for thought, when one considers that they comprise only about 0.2% of the world’s population. The disproportion is telling.
Those not directly involved are too often the public protectors of their fellow tribesmen—many times paid well to be such, like Foxman. But most cover up or ignore the Jewish criminal problem for free. This must end.
In the United States, Jewish groups foment race war against whites and Christians. In Europe, the Jews promote white genocide by mass immigration. In all parts of the world, all races are increasingly enslaved by Jewish taskmasters, either literally or through usury. Even fellow Jews are not immune.
Arms smuggling, drug running, money laundering through the diamond business, illegal trafficking in artworks and antiquities are all stock-in-trade for the Jewish mafia. But perhaps the most shocking chapters to read in Ryssen’s book are those detailing the “Porno Mafia,” the white slave trade and trafficking in human organs and body parts.
The stories of both poor and well-educated European women (and men, boys and girls) kidnapped for, or fraudulently ensnared in, prostitution—and the conditions they are forced to suffer—are particularly gut-wrenching and heartbreaking.
Because we want The Barnes Review to be a magazine read by the whole family, we will not go into the brutal, gory details—but you need to learn about them from The Jewish Mafia so that you can inform your relatives, friends, unknowing Jews and especially our politicians.
Israel portrays itself as a pillar of human rights and freedom, yet the truth revealed by Hervé Ryssen proves this is a massive deceit on an international scale. Nowhere else is such rampant criminality proportionately so widespread or so completely tolerated as in Israel. Yet the West continues to subsidize, arm and protect their vileness and their enslavement of whites.
Israeli military and police have been kidnapping and shooting and stealing the bodies of Palestinians for decades, harvesting the latter’s organs for sale to the highest bidder. The organ trade, which is against international law, extends itself nearly throughout the world, since Jews are forbidden to desecrate the bodies of other Jews. Yet materialistic Israelis are desperate for organ donations, even from “goyim,” because, to them, this life is all there is. It was not coincidental that a number of New York rabbis were arrested for organ trafficking a few years ago—but the Zionist media never revealed the gruesome depravity of their activities. Ryssen fills that knowledge gap.
The Jews’ deliberate corruption of Western Christian morality through pornography and prostitution has for centuries been part of their effort to destroy European-American culture and Christianity—the Catholic Church, in particular. In these filthy enterprises, they have long exercised a nearly total monopoly, and Ryssen exposes it. You need to know about that, too, so that you can protect yourself and your family from the Judaic attack on traditional values—or find motivation to free yourself, if you have been ensnared already.
And lest someone think that the “Jewish mafia” is a mere modern development, Ryssen provides a wealth of historical evidence that proves beyond doubt that international Jewry has been at the heart of the worst forms of criminality from ancient times until today. And if it is not immediately evident to even the most hard-boiled reader that the despicable and treacherous activities of a disproportionate percentage of the Jewish population are the larger share of the worst, societally destructive crimes, Ryssen concludes his encyclopedic work with a brief historical overview of so-called “anti-Semitism.” The same troubles afflict every nation where the Judaic people dwell in any numbers, and for the same reasons.
Ryssen’s book is a masterpiece: a monumental, carefully researched volume in some 380 pages. You need to own this book and study it. Many sections are disturbing, to say the least, but ignorance of them is dangerous to what remains of Western Christian civilization—indeed, dangerous to all non-Jewish peoples. Buy The Jewish Mafia now. Share it with family, friends, congressmen and senators—even open-minded Jews, if you can find them.
May Hervé Ryssen’s The Jewish Mafia awaken Christian and white people everywhere to the Judaic criminal threat from without. And may it also awaken world Jewry to reform and the extirpation of the poison in their midst.
1 Hervé Ryssen, The Jewish Mafia, pp. 13f.
2 Ibid., p. 8.
3 Ibid., p. 345.
RONALD L. RAY is the assistant editor of The Barnes Review and a freelance author. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence. Subscribe today to read more of Ron’s writing.
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